Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... January 11

Quiet Time...

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, 
as the waters cover the sea. 
Habakkuk 2:14 KJV
Mom buzzed me around 2... I was able to get back go sleep...
Dad was awake when I came into the living room.
I made him a couple Sausage Biscuits...

To go with his meds and coffee...

...then I settled in with my Bible Study Buddies and my Honey :-)

So far, so good...
the mesh media is working well for now...
we shall see if it makes it thru to harvest...

OK, so the cut up ice cream sandwiches... 

...and small molded yogurt drops...

... are ready for the freeze dryer.
I cannot wait to see how they come out.

I figure it will be a good (and healthy) treat for Mom and Dad...
the yogurt drops anyway :-)
The ice cream will just be a treat...

Also, if the shapes work out they will be so cute and fun for little ones...
I snagged more molds to try with the next batch!

Meds day...

Out to the Flock and Fluffle...

Chomping at the bit...
so to speak :-)

I think the fermented feed is a success.
They like it and it was gone by the end of the day...
it will be really good for them!
Maybe they will start laying again real soon!!

Bunnies got their hutches cleaned today...

Sleepy fish :-)

One egg already this morning...

Sparkley Day...

Berry time...
another healthy treat for them...
lots of probiotics!

Lanny mounted the bunny food bowls 
so they would quit turning them over...

Bread day...

Ready for first rise...
it takes about an hour...

I made Deli Turkey Sandwiches for lunch...

Ready for second rise...
another hour.

I sat down for just a couple minutes 
until the shower nurse came for Dad...

Ready to bake...
overall it takes about three hours to make four loaves of bread...

Another three eggs...
four total today...
as the days get longer 
I should be getting 10-12 eggs per day from this group...
and we plan on getting more hens...


For supper I added some beef broth to the left over Chinese Food and made a soup.
It was pretty good. I served it with saltines AND the homemade bread...
Dad ate four slices and I think Lanny ate at least two...
nothing better than home made bread!
I ate a couple heels with my soup :-)

Chores are done...
It's been a busy day... they seem to nearly ALL be busy lately...
ready to call it quits for this one.

We will start the second Lord of the Rings tonight...

Goodnight my sweet Family and Friends.
It means so much to know that you keep track of us 
and pray for Mom and Dad...
and I know you pray for me and Lanny too...

God bless you ALL!!!
Sweet Dreams!

“The first step towards getting somewhere 
is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” 
—J.P. Morgan

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