Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... February 7

Quiet Time...

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." 

Romans 5:3-5 KJV


Well, Mom buzzed at 1:15 and at 3:15... hmmmm...
I did go back to sleep after the 1:15 but there was not enough time after the 3 til time to get up anyway....

Dad got up a little after I did...
I got his coffee and meds together and made him a couple Sausage Biscuits...

Then for Quiet Time with my Pack...

Lanny came in a little later...

This one is ready for harvest.
I am going to freeze it so that I can put it in the freeze dryer on the next run...
I want to try powdering it for a Super Green Food!!
I would guess it will taste good sprinkled on salads especially...
time for some experiments :-)

Day 2 in the light...

Day 3 in the light...

Needs another day or so in Black Out...

A different tray (I don't like it as well)...
it has less drain holes so less holes for the roots to peek out...

Day 2 germination... pretty good!

And my lettuce babies...
too cute!

Spoiled little brat :-)

Harvesting this tray for freezing...

I use a really sharp knife and cut about an inch from the soil.
We don't want any soil in the greens and I also like to leave some stem for my chickies...
they love it!

This is a big bowl!!

And lots of bits and pieces for my chicks!!

Out to the Flock and Fluffle...

See how they go for it!

Penny egg...
Hasn't skipped a day since she started!

I turned the flakes and scraped all the roosts...

Cleaned the Rabbit Hutches as well...
Thumper is still using his litter box.

Violet likes to snuggle in the hay...

Blossom is very inquisitive and always wants to see what is in my hands...

Experimenting with some small loaves of my Herb Bread.
It is SO good to serve with meals (buttered of course) and I may start selling it as well as my regular White Bread and Banana Bread...
several of you have expressed interest in that!! :-)

It's our fast day so I made Dad a Deli Chicken Sandwich and Chips...
he had a late "brunch" of Banana Bread... just a small piece so it wouldn't ruin his lunch. 
I don't feed him a big breakfast if he sleeps thru the regular breakfast time... he got up around 9:30...

UhOh... my same old problem...
my bread rises so good and I needed to make 4 loaves instead of 3 :-)

So far...
3 plus Penny's...

Decanted the Sparkley a little later than usual...
berries for the birds...

Another step to solve the vacuum problem...
we have a phone appointment tomorrow morning with a technician...
I miss my Freeze Dryer...

Mimi-Lada's, Chips and Salsa,
and Microgreen Salad!
Great way to break a fast!!!

Chores are done...
kitchen is clean...

Oh, I got another egg :-) Makes 5 today!

Ready for a movie...
the next Jurassic Park... Number 4!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Love to one and all!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... February 23

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... ☀️🎶 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your he...