Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain ... February 15

Quiet Time...

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: 
Try me, and know my thoughts: 
And see if there be any wicked way in me, 
and lead me in the way everlasting."
Psalm 139:23-24 KJV
Mom buzzed twice but it must have been at good times 
because my FitBit still gave me 6 hours and 17 minutes
 sleep time and a pretty good score :-)
Dad was up... 
made him a couple Biscuit RollUps...

Pack Time and Bible Study...


This tray is only 6 days old...

This one gets to go into Black Out today!

Day two germination...

Not much showing from yesterday's planting...

Max had to come in for his head butt...

he loves his Daddy...

Mom and Dad's Meds Day...

Sparkley and Berries...

Out to the BarnYard...

One of the new ducks laid...

And Penny...

Made the men some Fried Eggs, Sausage Patty
and Toast for 8 am Breakfast...

I was busy doing this and that all morning 

and didn't take any pictures...

Gave Mom a sponge bath and clean jammies...

and warmed up the left over Mexican for lunch...


I sat down for a few minutes with my pups...

...and my fella...
we snored...

Violet has a spot on her eye I need to watch...

it's been there a couple days...

I cleaned their hutches...



... and Violet...

Cleaned the water trough...

the ducks love it when I dump the water...

they LOVE to play in the mud!!

Lanny has the awning up!

It looks so good and now it will protect the wood stove

AND the pups can go off the porch to do their business 

and not get rained on :-)

Turned the flakes and added new...

it always smells so nice...

and the chickens love it too!

They still aren't best friends 

but they are hanging together a little more...

Sorry for the graphic nature of the following photographs...
this is what we have to deal with day to day...
Max loves to bring in his prey and destroy them IN the house...
sometimes alive so that we have to chase them 
all over with a net, usually dead so we only find them later...

The back end of a rat!

And parts of the rest of him...

For Supper I made some Egg Noodles, 

Pork Loin and Gravy and Broccoli...

Also Microgreen Salad, of course...

And Mom joined us today...
we are not going to take no for an answer if she is not sick!
She needs to eat at the table with us whenever she can!!

So, the chores are done...
Kitchen is clean..
We will watch The Search for Spock tonight...
Goodnight Family and Friends!!
Love to you all!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams...

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