Monday, March 6, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain... March 6

Quiet Time...

"that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." 
1 Corinthians 12:25-27 KJV
Mom buzzed only once and it was nearly impossible 
to get her to the potty chair... she is SO weak...
Keep her in your prayers.
Paula and I think she may have had a mild stroke...
she has had several "mimi strokes" as the doctor called them,
 but this seems worse...
Dad got up around 4:30 and drank a cup of coffee, 
took his meds, ate his Burrito and went back to bed :-)

Quiet Time...
Pack Time...

This is the moon this morning...
my phone camera doesn't take great pictures of things like this,
but it was GORGEOUS!

Ready for Black Out...

Sheet washing day...
Mom and Dad's are twin, so no big deal...
but these are KING!!!
I do NOT like folding King Sheets!!!

Flock, Fluffle, Fins
and soon.... Friskies!!!

Straight to the water!

Elsa and Anna...


I think Woodpeckers are so Beautiful!!!

Made Dad and Lanny Fried Duck Eggs, Sausage and Toast...

Had some left over pasta...

Isn't that the prettiest pink egg!

This one is almost pink...

Lanny tearing down deck and making it into a Goat Play Area...

I think my Bunnies are confused...

these are NOT beds!!

These four are becoming great friends...

and they are ALWAYS in a row!!

I think this was the loud mouth's egg..

yes, Sugar!!!

Two more!

Ten so far today!

Cinnamon Raisin Bread.

This turned out pretty good...

I will continue to work on it but it is close!

The hens love the Sandbox that Donna brought us!

They are eating left over Chicken Cacciatore..

Hey, they did NOT know those chickens personally :-)

Taking turns in the new sandbox!

Left over Pork Short Ribs with Cabbage,
Corn and Carrots and Herb Bread!

Chores are done...
It's been a long day.
Mom is very weak still, but seems to be a little clearer headed.
We are hoping that the medicine she was given last night 
will get rid of the infections and perhaps help her confusion 
and weakness a little.
Keep her in your prayers...

Goodnight Y'all!!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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Monday on Walden's Mountain... First Day of July!!!

Quiet Time...  🌎🦋 “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. But the Lord is ...