Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... March 15

Quiet Time...

"Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."

Isaiah 55:6-7 KJV 


Up and At 'Em!

My little leg warmers...
Murph on the right, Mags on the left!

This tray is ready for some light!

Second day germination...

Black Out!

I will harvest the two small and one large trays this morning for orders...
Turnip Greens with Turnips,
Mexican Veggies,
More Bell Peppers,
Roasting Veggies...
out of the freeze dryer and ready to package...

Flock, Fluffle and Fin Time...

Duck eggs...

Lanny ate an egg sandwich and Dad ate Cinnamon Toast...
they were up and ready at different times...

The new hospital bed was delivered this morning so we had to clear out some room for two beds in Moms room... that is until Hoskins comes to get the first hospital bed. 
We were paying a monthly fee for it but with hospice 
Medicare pays 100% for the bed...


For lunch I made them left over Pizza...

Sparkley Day...

Planted a new tray of Microgreens...

A hospice nurse came to help move Mom into the new bed.
She has so much pain when you move her arms of legs 
and it was a chore.
But they gave us some pain meds for her 
and that seemed to help.
They also started a catheter which will really help.
Lifting her for a pad was hard for Paula and I to do 
but also hurt her.
Hospice is going to really help...
We are so thankful for that service...

Cleaned the rabbit hutches...

For supper we had Chicken and Gravy over Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans and Carrots and Toasted Herb Bread...

Lanny went back out after supper 
to work a bit in the sunshine...

Putting in the goat shelves...
they like sleeping up off the ground...

Found a broken egg in the box and this one covered with yolk...
it will have to be washed and refrigerated...
I hate finding a broken egg :-(
9 for the day...

Well, this day is done for me...
Tonight we will watch 8 Seconds...
it's about Lane Frost, Bullriding Champion.
It's pretty good...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

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