Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday on Waldens Mountain... May 26

Quiet Time...

"praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, 
and watching thereunto with all perseverance 
and supplication for all saints;" 

Ephesians 6:18 KJV 


Good Morning...

Neck and Shoulder Rub :-)

Bible Study Time...
until around 5:30-5:40 for me...

Then it is

MicroGreen Time...

Microgreens that I put in the freeze drier 

yesterday are done...

Ready to package...
I use them in my Herb Bread 
and they are delish sprinkled on salads, 
spaghetti, probably most anything!!

Out to the BarnYard...

Bucky (the Rooster) chased Sassy 
up onto the ledge wanting some romance...
Sassy was not agreeable to it...

The Goats were very interested...

Rabbits fed and watered...

And the fish fed and watered (haha)...

Started a new tray...

Paula and I have been cleaning/sorting 
out in the barn all day...
that's why there are not many pictures...
Lanny made two trips to KARM 
and we will have a huge load for the dump.

He brought us home some Burrito Supremes 
from Taco Bell for lunch... YUM!!

This was Mom's wedding dress... 
it is dry rotted and has rust stains all over 
from who knows what...

It is going into the trash...
I know... but there is not even any sentimental 
value to it in this condition...
the wedding pics when it was new 
are the best memories of it at this point...

Green Beans going into the freeze dryer...

What's for Supper Maw?
Fish Sticks, Mac and Tomatoes, Collard Greens and Beets...

Ten Eggs today...
two of the ducks have now started laying in the back corner UNDER the Goat Fort so we have to crawl in to get them... 
daily exercise I guess :-)

Look at the size of this duck egg...
it is either Elsa or Anna, the big white ducks...

It's been a VERY productive day...
we got a LOT done!!!
To be continued :-)

Tonight we will watch Eagle Eye...
Shia LaBeouf and  Billy Bob Thornton...
we like it!

Goodnight Y'all!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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