Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... May 25

Quiet Time...

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come."

John 16:13 KJV
I took these shots last night after I had posted the blog...

Sheila was on her way over 

and I was sitting in the back yard waiting for her...

the Goats were entertaining me :-)

And Willie jumps in my lap, rolls over against me like a dog 

and nuzzles under my chin...

I never imagined a goat would be so loving!!!

They were actually ready to go in 

and have their last feed and rest for the night... 

but I wanted Amara to see them...

None of them are used to little ones 

but for the most part they were friendly...

Was sure good to see you Sheila!!!

And this is me right after y'all left...

in my Jammies 

and ready to watch "Next"

with Nicolas Cage...

Up, Up Sleepy Head...

Dad got up at 5:15...

I was ready...

Made him a Breakfast Burrito to go with it...

Microgreen Time...

Herbs are dried, ready to put into jars...

Some people take the leaves off the stems before drying

but I find it easier to do it after...

Savory and Oregano...

doesn't seem like much 

but you know you don't need a lot 

when cooking with it...

and it is MINE... organic, home grown, and YUMMY!!!

Heading out to the Barnyard...

This is a duck egg and someones tiny egg...

it happens now and then.

Probably has no yolk...

Maggie would SO love to go out and play with the goats

but she would soon be nibbling on the poo so the answer is NO!

She is watching then play on the Goat Play Station...

Sparkley Day...

The Goats come running and I think Willie nibbled a berry,

but it is not their favorite...

Fish are hungry...

Prepped 4 dozen eggs today for the freeze dryer...

Blended them in my old Vita Mix...

One dozen per tray...

Will freeze in the regular freezer first 

and then tomorrow or Saturday 

they will go into the Freeze Dryer...

Lanny is clearing out some HUGE kudzu vines 

and burning this morning...

Look how long that vine is!

Here are the four trays in the freezer...

Made Dad a Bacon and Egg Omelet with Toast...

Lanny ate yogurt...

Gave the chickens and goats some lettuce and apples...

The Bunnies too...

Harvested some Microgreens to Freeze Dry...

Trays out to whoever wants them...

Microgreens ready for the Freeze Dryer.

I don't have to pre-freeze these or the herbs.

They have so little water in them...

The Goats are going to make sure 

I don't come out the kitchen gate 

without them knowing about it :-)

This is a Tree Swallow pair checking out the BlueBird house.

I hope they stay and raise their family...

Made the men some Grilled Cheese sandwiches for lunch...

I usually half one with Daddy...

The Goats went in for their noon meal of pellets and a nap...

The Pups were enjoying the sun...

Made Spaghetti for Supper....

I think I look like my Grandma Hazel here...

...with Microgreen Salad and Toasted Herb Bread....

Well, it's that time of day...

Evening Chores and Dishes are done...

Goats are in for the night...

We are ready for Jammies, a Movie,

and perhaps some Popcorn....

We will watch "Vantage Point" tonight.

with Dennis Quaid...

it is an interesting movie...

Goodnight Y'all...

God Bless


Sweet Dreams!

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