Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain ... May 1

Quiet Time...

"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; 
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." 
Galatians 5:14 KJV
Good morning!

Daddy got up around 5...

I was ready for him...

except for his Burrito :-)

Had to heat that up...

Murphy snuggled on my right...

Maggie snuggled on my left...

And Dad feeding Casey some Burrito :-)

He thinks I don't know...

Max snuggling with his Daddy...

putting his arm to sleep :-)

Into Black Out!

Out to the Barnyard...

Flock, Fluffle, Friskies, Fins and Shells...

only the Shells have gone back 

into their hibernation mound for a couple days...

The nights are still pretty cold!

Three in the coop

and one under the stairs a little later in the morning...

It's nice to know where it is 

but I have to crawl under there to get it...

not as easy as it used to be :-)

Sat with the Kids for a few minutes...

I will let them out a little later this morning...

Does she look pregnant in this picture?

haha... hope so!

Romeo Thumper...

And Violet....

in the cage next to Thumper now 

so they can get to know each other better 

before we put them in together...

Too cold to feed them but they are pretty active...

Making Herb Bread for orders 

and there may be one left for us...

Fixed the men some Fried Eggs, Sausage 

and Toast for Breakfast...

And Decanted the Sparkley...

Watching the goats from my kitchen window...

they are so much fun to watch...

they jump and run and kick and climb...

I LOVE watching them out my window...

Pepper faithfully incubating her six eggs...

I am SO hoping she has some chicks...

I don't want to buy chicks and raise them

but I definitely want some Hen raised chicks 

around this barnyard!!!

The ducks were enjoying the pond this morning...

we still have to work on the hose arrangement...

We have a water feature that Lanny will hook up 

once we get the pump running well...

BlueBird eggs...

should see babies any day now...

Murphy Smurphy!

Enjoying a little sun...

Herb Bread is done...

it smells SO good....

The Barn Greenhouse...

I will start transplanting in another week or two...

it is still too cold at night...

Well, this loaf is ours so you know what I did!!!

I couldn't stand it any longer.

I had to cut the ends off and EAT them...

with LOTS of butter!

The Eggs are done!
One dozen per tray...

I put 8 eggs (3 cups of dry) into each bag...

I will NOT run out of eggs this winter...

my hens are older so they nearly stop laying 

in the winter months...

Ducks under chairs...

This side has spinach popping up but I will plant peppers along this row when it is warm enough...

This side is Thyme, Chives, Oregano and Sage...
my Sage plant needs to be replaced. 

Gotta watch this one...
it is toxic to goats.
I may move it to a very secure location 
away from the yard...

Summer Savory...

Obedient Plant...

Lyreleaf Sage...

Foxglove Beardtongue

Blue Indigo

And I planted a Knock Out Rose here in our "front yard"...
I love the roses...

The chickens hate it when we put the goats up 
and they have to come out of the Goat House :-)

I had a half head of cabbage left from yesterdays Cole Slaw
and a container of the Ham 
and White Bean Soup from Saturday...
so I wilted the Cabbage, added Carrots and Sliced Potatoes 
and it was Delish!!
Anything with Cabbage in it Lanny LOVES!!
Toasted some of the Herb Bread and it was Dinner!!

So tonight we will watch Karate Kid 2...
We are both ready to sit down with our little Pack, 
watch a movie and eat some popcorn...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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