Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... May 28

Quiet Time...

“Where can I go from Your Spirit? 
Where can I flee from Your Presence?”
Psalm 139:7
So here is the footage from the snake adventure last night...

Good Morning...
I won't say "Sunshine"
because it''s supposed to be cloudy all day...

Cuddle time...

And then Microgreens...

Ready for the light...

Another day of Black Out...

Third Day Germination...

Second Day Germination...

Green Beans are out of the Freeze Dryer
and ready to package...

Eight Meals Worth...

Out to the chilly barnyard...

Lanny brought them Kudzu and Pine...
their favorites!!

Bunnies are fed and watered...
Blossom is NOT pulling fur 
or doing any of the things a Momma would do
so I am thinking it didn't take...
we can always give them another go at it :-)

Two Duck eggs in the coop...

Lanny had eaten a bowl of cereal 
and didn't want any breakfast...
he was busy finishing up the brush for burning...

So I made Dad some French Toast Sticks 
for his second breakfast...


Fishies know when it's feeding time as well...
all my critters think that's my main job!

Making Laundry Detergent...
my batches last at least three months...

Sitting at the Kitchen Gate...
just in case :-)

For lunch we had Black Forest Ham Sandwiches...
I am not much for Ham 
but I LOVE the Black Forest Deli Slices!!

Eggs into the Freeze Dryer...
Four Dozen!

Prepping Tomato Sauce for Pre-Freeze 
and then Freeze Drying in a few days...

Also some Fire Roasted Red Peppers...
They are SO yummy!!!

Into the Freezer to pre-freeze for another Freeze Dryer Load...
I will be two ahead!! :-)

I thought this was SO cute...
Chickens AND Goats 
laying together in front of the kitchen gate!

Mexican Ramen For Supper...

With all the fixing's,
Chips, Salsa and Salad!

Cleaned up the kitchen 
and then went out to sit with our kids for a while...

The ducks were squawking up a storm 
and I looked everywhere to find what was bothering them...
up in the trees, around the coop, under here and over there...
then I looked in the coop and what did we find?
No, not a snake...
a baby POSSUM!!!
Good Grief!!!
We caught him...

He was old enough to be on his own 
so we took him over the creek
and settled him in a really nice "new" location :-)

Well, enough for one day!!!

Last night we watched Will Smith in Hancock...
tonight, it's Will Smith in iRobot...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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 Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‚πŸ ““Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭6...