Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... May 17

Quiet Time...

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, 
that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; 
and it shall be given him. 
James 1:5 KJV
Up and At 'Em!

Mitzi changed places this morning...
Maggie wasn't real happy about it!

She got under the cover and scooted as close as she could...

Mitzi didn't stay long, and I am sure that was the point :-)

Mitzi went on into the Bedroom and got up on "her futon"...

Into the Light...

Stays in Black Out...

Out to the BarnYard...

Fed the Goats a little Goat Chow before I let them out...

Kids need to have a good breakfast :-)

Three from the night...

Rabbits are watered and fed...

Goats, Chickens and Ducks...

at play...

Hungry Fish...


They have been romping for a long time 

and now are resting a bit...

Sparkley Day...

Berries to the birds...

Lanny made the early Oak Ridge deliveries...

I made Dad a Ham Sandwich and Chips for lunch
and then I actually drove the car 

down the hill and delivered Sheila's order!!!

I thought I might have forgotten how to drive, 

but I made it :-)


Three Goats waiting at the Kitchen Gate...

They do not mind sharing a bit...

the goats and chickens eat nose to nose!

Don't worry...

it isn't chicken feed.

It is grains and seeds...

Goats can eat those...

A little later in the morning 

another duck egg in the corner...

And then the Goats will have a snack and nap time...

Lanny and I ran down to the mailbox...

Hard to see, but the Cherry Tree is full of Cherries...

the birds always get them 

but they are pretty to look at for awhile :-)

This is supposed to be the Goat House!

I made Something Else out of Something again...

Used the Buttered Noodles from last night,

 added some Beef, 

with a side of Corn and Carrots and again...


Max was lounging around the hay...

waiting for some mice or rats, maybe :-)

Mowing our weeds again ...

The ducks LOVE laying under the bunny hutches...

Lots of rain yesterday 

but it says only 1/2 inch...

go figure!

Nathaniel and Katie are home for a couple of days 

from the Virgin Islands...

they have jobs for the summer in Michigan...

I cannot remember the name of the resort and island,

but he has his licenses and will be ferrying tourists...

He brought his little niece over to see the goats...

We got six new fertile eggs 

from a friend and will give Pepper another chance at it...

No one had chicks right now 

or I would have snuck a few under her...
Tonight we will start the Left Behind Series...
A favorite!!!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams...

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 Quiet Time Bible Study... πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ♥️ “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ‭‭Galatians...