Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... May 16

Quiet Time...
"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, 
That I might not sin against Thee." 
Psalm 119:11 KJV
Wake up Sleepy Head!

Dad got up around 5 and I was ready...

Daddy's coming girls...


Another day or two of Black Out...

These are ready to come out from under Weights

and into Black Out...

I planted another tray today...

Time for...

Flock, Fluffle, Friskies, 

Fins, and Shells!!!

Look at the mouth on that KOI!!!

Angel is her name...

Koi DO have wings!!

Bread Day...

some for customers and some for us!

Four pounds of dough...

Harvested some greens...

And of course,

roots and stems for the Chickies...

and the Ducks...

First Rise!!!

Four Loaves...

In the warm oven for Second Rise...

I forgot what day it was 

and made Lanny a Breakfast Roll Up...

He said it's OK... he will fast tomorrow :-)

Now, not only do I have chickens 

hanging around the kitchen gate, 

but the goats do too :-)

Potting the plants we bought yesterday...

with a little help...

Willie was wanting to suck on my shirt...

He uses it as a pacifier...

Seriously, he gets it in his mouth and closes his eyes...

nearly falls over asleep...

SO cute!!!

But I got it done...

These kids (literally "kids") 

are always under foot 

and always begging for attention...

or food!

Lanny is building a chicken door 

so that the goats cannot go into the coop... 

they try to eat the chicken feed 

and it is NOT good for them...

Bread is done!

I cannot eat the heels... 

it is our fast day Tuesday...

I will finish out my fast til dinner 

because I have been eating WAY too much 

junk the last few days 

and need the cleanse and detox!

I may go ahead and fast half day with him tomorrow too...

Certainly cannot hurt!

Made Butter and Buttermilk today 

from the raw cows milk that Jen gave me...

From one quart of cream 

I got 5 ounces of butter and 3 cups of buttermilk...

not too bad!!!

That is a half gallon jar...

it was nearby :-)

Just ONE of the messes I made today...

My kitchen has been a disaster zone several times :-)

Lanny is painting the chicken door...

But I think it is too bright...

It doesn't match the other reds...

Another little friend showed up, 

but this one was WAY too close to my coop...

He will be relocated over and down the hill 

to hunt somewhere else!

Cooking Supper

and this is where Casey stays...

somewhere in this kitchen.

I am glad when he at least 

gets part of himself under the island...

I have to always be conscious of a dog, 

or multiple dogs under my feet in the kitchen...

Panko Breaded Chicken Breast, 

Garlic Buttered Angel Hair Pasta, Broccoli...


Lanny and I ate a little too much...

we LOVE any pasta with butter and Garlic!

So it is pouring the rain and then sunny bright...
pouring the rain... etc. etc.
We get a LOT of rain up here....

The day is over for us.
We are ready to settle down on the couch 
with our little pack and watch the last Bourne...

Remember Isaac and Natasha 
and the unspoken prayer...
God knows...

God bless,
Sweet Dreams!

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