Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... May 24

Quiet Time...

"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, 

bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, 

meekness, longsuffering;" 

Colossians 3:12 KJV
Rise and Shine...

He got up around 5...

I was ready...

Ready for Black Out...

3 days germination...

And day one...

already popping open...

Out to the Barnyard...

Herbs are out of the Freeze Dryer!

I think they hold their color so much better 

in the freeze dryer than in the dehydrator!

Giving them their worm medicine...

It in the food and they like it...

Cleaned the hutches...




I've been busy today...

and I didn't take many pictures!!

We bought a hose and vacuum head for the pump 

to clean the duck pond and that was a two man job 

and quite a chore... it looks good 

but we will have to get a system going to make it easier...

we are not spring chickens anymore.... Ha!!

Also, something ate or just vandalized some of my peppers 

and cucumbers in the back garden so I replaced those... 

I don't think this year will be a good year either 

because the soil is just not properly amended yet... 

we planted in the hole where the pool was so it was rock 

and sand bottom. It is like a huge "pot" 

and even tho we worked on it all winter 

it just isn't yet deep enough. It stays too wet I think.

But we won't give up. We will keep amending 

til it is a huge, deep raised bed :-)


Another load of herbs into the Freeze Dryer...

some Summer Savory and more Oregano...

Lanny had an upset tummy today and didn't eat lunch...

probably from that Wendy Burger last night...

we just don't do that much 

and sometimes it doesn't agree with one or the other 

or both of us :-)

Anyway, tonight I made Comfort Food:

Pork Loin and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes 

and Peas and Carrots with Toasted Herb Bread...


Sheila is bringing Amara over this evening 

after she picks her up to see the goats... 

and to pick up her Bread order...

we will stay up "later" for that Sheila (haha)...


Not sure what will be on the Big Screen tonight...

I am sure Lanny has something good in mind...

Goodnight Family and Friends...

God bless you ALL


Sweet Dreams!

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