Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... May 23

Quiet Time...

I love this verse!!

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, 

nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, 

nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,

 shall be able to separate us from the love of God, 

which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

Romans 8:38-39 KJV
Good Morning!

Dad slept until around 5:30...
I was ready for him except for his Burrito :-)

Even Max joined us today...

Double Trouble
Double Cuddle!

This is on the critter cams at 6AM...
That isn't a light on in there,
it is the other camera with IR night vision...
you cannot see it with the naked eye
but it shows on another camera...

The Goats are snuggled all together...

Different stages of growth...

Out to my Babies!!!
Feathers, Fur and Fins...

Let the Goats eat some of their own feed first...

Then let them out to join the feathered kids...

Bunnies are fed and watered...

Play Time for the Goats...

Ready for Harvest...

Tray and stems out to the chicks...
and the goats checked it out as well...

Another ready to harvest...

This is my outdoor (in the big barn)
planting station...

A few plants starts still remain...
I think I have everything in the garden that I need
so I will share these...

Two new trays of Microgreens...

For anyone late to the game...
I measure out seed 
1/2 ounce for small trays
1 ounce for large...
I use a shaker bottle because it seeds SO evenly!

Two new trays under weight for three or four days,
in Black Out for three or four days,
and then in the Light for three or four days
until ready for harvest...

Fiona still has one of her horn nubs...
I am afraid the de-horning didn't take on this one...

Everyone has to help...
Lanny brought up some horse manure
and it is FULL of worms!

Willie is more interested in the MULE than in worms!

The spring babies are starting to show up at the feeders...
now the fun begins...
Hummingbird Wars!!!

Cut some herbs for freeze drying.
Sage, Thyme, Oregano...

And Sparkley Day...

...getting a suntan :-)

Lanny and I had our Medicare Wellness Exam today...
headed down the hill a little early
so we could run into Tractor Supply 
to get some Goat Wormer Meds, 
and to Home Depot 
to pick up a couple new hose nozzles... 
fun stuff!

Passed Little Ponderosa's Camel Pasture...

And saw a very new calf with Momma
in one of the neighbors pastures...
I love little cows!! 
Well, this one was a little bull :-)

After our appointment it was too late to get home to cook dinner so we stopped at Wendys... 
Lanny and I are healthy as can be 
and got excellent marks from Dr. Bridgeman...
(I think in large part because we eat 
VERY little processed foods)...
anyway, a little junk food now and then
ain't gonna hurt us...
and it is SO good :-)

The camels were a LOT closer on our way home...
it was near feeding time...

This one was enjoying a roll in the dust...

Telling us hello at the gate!


Only one duck egg today... that I found...
Seven eggs total.
I think I might find a few scattered around the yard tomorrow...

Tonight we will watch
The Sentinel...
Michael Douglas...
we always watch it after 
Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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