Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... May 3

Quiet Time...

"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, 
and edify one another, even as also ye do." 
1 Thessalonians 5:11 KJV

Forgot to report yesterdays eggs...

Up and At 'Em!

Bible Study Pack...

Murphy made it in this morning...

This one will be harvested today for orders...

These two stay in Black Out...

And the two small trays

go IN to Black Out...


The Oregano and Chive Flowers 

are finished in the Freeze Dryer...

Out to the Barnyard...

Three in the coop

and one under the steps...


And of course the chickies and duckies 

get the roots and stems...

We let the goats out but they like their house...

and so do the chickens...

They all lounged around in the goat house 

off and on all day...

It is SO windy that I think they liked the peace in there...

Sparkley Day...

The goats came running too 
and also got some fermented Sparkley Berries...

Dad had Pancakes for breakfast 

and Lanny had already eaten some cereal...


Fed them Ham Sandwiches for lunch...

Still no Baby Bluebirds...

Lanny made all the deliveries 

and took Daddy with him down to Clinton 

for the last one...


We headed down the hill to the CoOp 

and to our friend Pat's house to pick up

 some chain link fencing she had laying around...

The Camels were rolling in the dirt...

And this one was tearing down a tree :-)

Big Ole Oreo...

Bought some Scratch for the chickies...

The truck overheated and we had a bit of a scare...
but fortunately we were near enough to a gas station 
to get some water and cool it off...
it was just a little low...


We went on to Pats lovely place for the fencing...

and as fate would have it

I left my phone in the car so no pictures...

She has a lovely house and is quite the decorator!!!


Lanny is putting up a panel 

on the back side of the goat play station

because when they get to butting each other 

one is liable to fall off into the electric fence!

Can't have that!!

Warmed up the Ham stuff I made a couple days ago, 
added some corn and some egg noodles 
and it was a Yummy Mess!!
Added toasted Herb Bread and it was Perfect!!

Waste not, want not...
I never waste leftovers!!

We have ten eggs today..
if you count only 9 it is because I forgot 
to grab the one under the step 
and brought it in after the picture was taken...

We finished Karate Kid last night
so we will start on
Back to the Future

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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