Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... June 21

Quiet Time...

"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense 
till the day of Christ;"
Philippians 1:9-10 KJV
Good Morning...

I am ready for him...

he didn't get up until around 5:30...

The Pack in the usual formation...

No changes except for growth :-)

Out to the Barnyard...

still drizzling rain..

Three duck eggs in the coop...

and Goats as well...

lost cause trying to keep them out...

Bunnies are watered and fed...

So are the fish...

Beans are starting to come in...

And there are some itty bitty green tomatoes 

on all the bushes...

I did get them in late...

Fiona was playing daredevil...

I don't think she would have been happy 

about falling in that pond...

Lanny took Dad with him to make my deliveries 

to Oak Ridge today...

Daddy LOVES to ride along anywhere Lanny goes!!

Our little Tree Swallow refuses 

to let me see

but I think there are some babies in there...

Four dozen eggs into the freeze dryer...

I fed the men a Ham Sandwich and Chips for lunch
and then Paula and I went down to deliver Sheila's order to her
AND to go into the UGO (Grocery)...
Kind of a Girls Afternoon Out...
only we couldn't stay out too long :-)

Eggs have tapered off the last several weeks...
I hope it is just the heat and not those snakes...
but I can usually find the flattened shells 
when a snake has been active in there...
I am guessing the heat.

Willie and Fiona sharing with Rhoda...
I love the way they all get along...

Not a lot of pictures today, sorry...
busy morning and afternoon...

here is today's short rainy day video...

For supper I made a Ramen thingy...
Ramen and Black Beans...
it was delish and hit the spot!

Tonight we will watch the third
Harry Potter...

Goodnight Y'all...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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 Quiet Time in Bible Study... ☀️🎶 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your he...