Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... July 7

Quiet Time ..
"But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, 
hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, 
and ye shall be the children of the Highest: 
for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. "

Luke 6:35 KJV 


Good Morning Friday!

I kept looking on the cam all night 

to see how Willie was doing...

He seemed completely relaxed all night

and cuddled with Fiona...

Bible Study Time...

only Maggie joined us at first...

Murphy came in about quittin' time :-)

And then Max!

Microgreens all need watering...

No other changes...

Out to check on all the critters...
Willie especially...

He was eating and I saw him urinate again...
he isn't his usual exuberant self, 
but he is close...
keep praying for us...

Our little Dung Beetle Friend...
He knows where to get the best dung in town!

I put on clean jeans and shirt because Paula and I 
are going out for supplies (feed and groceries) 
and wouldn't you know, Willie jumps up 
and gets his muddy foot prints all over...
I love that boy!!!

Paula just bought a load of excellent hay 
and turns out these three love it...
the rabbits do too!

Made Lanny a Breakfast Roll up...
Dad got up around 9:30 
and I made him some Cinnamon Toast...
he and Lanny will go down to the dump 
and to Hardees for lunch
so he will be fine til then...

They stripped the Viburnum, let it alone for a few days 
til some baby leaves started coming out 
and went after it again...

Paula and I on our way home...
we went to the bank, to Tractor Supply, to KARM, to Food City and to Firehouse! 
I hadn't been to Firehouse in a coons age!!! 
That is why we look giddy!

Chores are done...
We had all eaten a bigger than usual lunch
so dinner was light...

Beef, Gravy on Wide Noodles mixed with
the veggies from last night...
not bad!

Todays Video:

Last night we watched
"The Patriot" with Mel Gibson

Not sure about tonight...
Willie is crying again and is in pain,
but he is still eating...
can't figure it out...
we have given him some pain medicine...
it may be a long night for us...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Continue to remember us and our little Willie...

God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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