Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... July 8

Quiet Time...

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, 
and to day, and for ever." 

Hebrews 13:8 KJV 


Good Morning Saturday...

Willie rested all night from all I can tell...
I checked on him via the camera several times 
during the night to make sure he wasn't in pain 
and he was right here snuggled with Fiona...
They are on the far right on the upper ledge
and the fan is a little in the way...
but he is behind her and resting his head on her neck...

I kept an eye on him as we had our Quiet Time...

with the usual crew...

Watered the Greens...

No other changes...
just checking everything out...

Out to the Barnyard...
not as cheerful as usual these past couple days...

Willie is eating in spite of his pain...
I gave him another little dose of the pain medicine...

I also got him to drink a little Sparkley 
with apple cider vinegar added...
tomorrow we will get the ammonium chloride 
and start that, Lord willing...

Murphy and Maggie were enjoying the out back 
with their Daddy :-)
they are there, just far away...

I made sure I took care of all the other critters
even tho I'd like to just sit with Willie...

Fiona is so protective and so concerned...
If we lose Willie I think it will hurt her as much as it will us...

He has such a will to live I think.
He is eating and drinking 
but I have seen no sign of urine passing...
a drop now and then...
they cannot go very long 
without emptying the bladder before it will rupture...
then that would be it...
I keep hoping that he has gone when I didn't see...

Some things you just gotta do on a homestead 
no matter how you feel...
I had four dozen eggs that needed to be prepared 
for the freeze dryer...

Shells to the chicks and ducks
but Fiona and Baby always check it out...

I did make the men a nice breakfast 
but was overly distracted by Willie, so no pictures...

This was at noontime 
when they usually go in to their house 
to rest in the cool under the fan...
Fiona and Willie are cuddling...
She knows he doesn't feel well...

I have cried so much in the last few days...
I cannot believe how much I love this little fella...

I remembered to take a picture of their lunch :-)
heated up the left over Beef and Noodles we had last night...

Been watching Willie all day...
I have not seen him urinate butI am hoping that he has...
his bladder can rupture in 12 to 48 hours if he doesn't....
it's already been that long...

I made some Oven Fried Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, New Potatoes and awful biscuits for Supper...
Sorry, my mind has not been on anything much but Willie today.

Lanny and I went out after supper 
and got him to eat and drink some... 
he did eat a little and is nibbling on hay... that is good. 
We also gave him some pain medicine for the night 
and I will once again monitor the camera all night.

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Pray for us...

No video for today...
not much fun in the Barnyard right now :-(

God bless
Sweet Dreams!

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