Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... July 9

Quiet Time...

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time 
are not worthy to be compared with the glory 
which shall be revealed in us." 
Romans 8:18 KJV

Good Morning Sunday...

Kinda hard to see...
it was still very dark and it's the Goat Cam

but Willie and Fiona were cuddled like that 

every time I checked on him thru the night...

no visible pain...

We had our usual Quiet Time
and Bible Study Crew...
my phone was on the Goat Cam 
and I didn't take any pictures...
You can understand...

Two small trays into the light...

Otherwise, just growing as hoped :-)

Oriental Veggies out of the Freeze Dryer 

and into storage jars...

Out to the Barnyard...

I hold my breath hoping Willie is Ok...

He was up eating hay...

he has not really stopped eating this whole time...

that is what has kept me hopeful.

Most stop eating and drinking...

he is either getting a little relief here and there 

or is just super strong willed...

AND, I give God the credit.

We still may lose him 

but I have had another day with him...

He walked around and interacted more today 

than the last couple days...

The dogs went out to the back with their Daddy again...

they think it is a real treat!

He even nibbled on my clothes 

and gave me sweet head butts...

I'll take it!!

Made Lanny a Roll Up for his breakfast...

Dad wasn't up...

He had his usual first breakfast (sausage biscuits) at 4 AM :-)

When he did get up around 9:30 

I made him some Cinnamon Toast...

Gave the girls AND Baby Goat 

a tray of Microgreens...

And some to the Bunnies...

And Willie really liked them...

he ate several hands full...

that will be good for him...

Then they all went in 

for their after noon nap under the fans...

He is not himself, 

and I have seen nothing but dribbles now and then,

but we are still hopeful...

He sure seeks out Fiona's nursing, 

that's for sure!

He always has loved sitting on this box 

keeping an eye on everything 

and he got up here several times today :-)

Just a short video of Fiona 
taking care of Willie while he is sick...

For Supper we had
Spaghetti and Garlic Bread...

Rob and Molly came over for Take Out 

and took a plate home...

I didn't get a picture 

but you can envision Robbie's plate :-)

Thankful for a day that was not as stressful 
and no tears today over Willie...
perhaps a couple of Thankful Tears :-)
I know he is not out of the woods but he had a good day 
and perhaps the Lord is gonna take care of those stones!!! 
That is what I am praying for :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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