Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... July 27

 Quiet Time...

"For with God nothing shall be impossible." 

Luke 1:37 KJV
Wake up sleepy head...

Ready for Dad...

he let me get settled into my seat 

and then got up :-)

Bible Study Time with my favorite Pack!!

6 O'Clock

A little later start this morning :-)

I think this is so cute...
when in black out the corner plants can detect light 

and green up and often peek out from under the cover...

Once it's taken off everything turns green...

But this still needs another day under cover...

Second Day Germination...

Made the bed and fed the fur kids

and now it is time for

The Barnyard...

The dogs have been waiting patiently :-)

Last batch of Kale 

out of the Freeze Dryer...


I have 16 Quarts and forget how many pints...

this ought to last me quite awhile!!

I crumble it up real small for soups, 

stews, casseroles, etc...

After the machine defrosted from the kale load 

I put in a fresh picking of Basil...

I don't have to pre-freeze herbs if I don't want to...

The sky was pretty today...

usually is up here...

Lanny already fixed his winch 

and did some other things out in his pole barn shop..

All before Breakfast...

Yea, a Roll Up..

Dad got up a little later 

and I made him some pancakes...

Lanny brought up some more Willow and Kudzu...

The girls are spoiled :-)

Prepping some diced tomatoes for the Freeze Dryer...

Most foods do better if they are pre-frozen 

in the regular freezer...

Got a great buy at the UGO...

these tomatoes will expire in a few weeks 

but not once they are freeze dried.

I can use them for any dish that calls for diced tomatoes...

These are the nice thick Roma type...

For Lunch I made us Black Forest Ham Sandwiches...

It is from Aldi's Deli section and is delicious!

All their lunch meats are yummy and inexpensive...


Lanny and I took a little rest after lunch 

with our usual Couch Pack...

For supper we had

Pork Loin, White Sweet Corn with Poblano Peppers 

and Green Beans with Garlic Toast...

Chores are done...

Jammies are on...

Goats are put up for the evening...

the chickens are on their own :-)

Ready for the next Marvel...

tonight is "Infinity Wars" and these last two are very serious...

all along they were funny along with the serious 

but there is nothing funny in the last ones...


Goodnight Y'all...

God Bless


Sweet Dreams...

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