Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... July 26

Quiet Time...

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, 
deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, 
and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was." 

James 1:22-24 KJV 


So last night we had our first, weekly Girls Night...

We played Rummy...

First time I had ever played Rummy 

but it was fun and I didn't do too bad :-)

...we ended our game at 500 points 

which was nearly 7 o'clock on the nose... 

home and in bed by 8:30 :-)


Good Morning Wednesday!!!

Dad didn't get up until around 6 

but I was ready for him...

So I snuggled in with the fur kids for Bible Study...

And Lanny joined us shortly after...

Microgreen Time...
Into the Light...

 No other changes...

Lanny working on the finances...

he keeps a very close eye on it...

you have to when you are living on Social Security!

But God is SO good...

we always have ENOUGH!!

Out to the Barnyard...

The dogs are in the routine now!

Sparkley Day...

Berries for whoever wants them...

Dad had gone back to bed after his first breakfast 

and wasn't up at 8...

I made Lanny a Roll Up 

and then when Dad got up I made him Cinnamon Toast...

Gave the Girls their own full tray of Greens...

The Ducks love playing in the BackWash of the Duck Pond...

Lanny and Dad went down the hill to do Man things 

and eat lunch at Hardees


Paula and I headed for Clinton 

to take Sheila her bread and go shopping... 

we had a Mexican Lunch 

and then went to Dollar Tree and UGO...

Had a very good time!!!

For Supper I made the men Egg Salad Sandwiches...

they, too, were full from their lunch 

but said they could eat one sandwich :-)

I could not eat a thing!!!

I am still stuffed!

After Supper Chores are done...

I am in my Jammies

and ready for some couch time...

perhaps an ice cream cone later :-)

Here is today installment of:

The Barnyard

Goodnight Family and Friends!

God Bless


Sweet Dreams!

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