Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... July 12

Quiet Time...

"I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Acts 20:35 KJV
Our little Willie died a little after 2AM...
Lanny took him out 
and Fiona laid down on the spot he laid on...
animals certainly think and feel...
she stayed by him until the end...
this was around 3 AM...
on the Goat Cam...

Good Morning Wednesday...

Bible Study Time

and I didn't have to watch the Goat Cam as closely...

Watered and checked them all out...

no changes...

That is Fiona laying down, still in the same spot
until we came out to let them out and feed them...
Baby was waiting for us at the gate...

Cleaned the hutches 

and gave them fresh hay and water...

These two nibbled on hay up there all morning...

Or nibbled in their house :-)

They love the new hay Paula got for her horses...

Made Lanny a Roll Up...

He took the dogs out to play in the barnyard...

Fiona doesn't like to lean over 

so sometimes she kneels to eat :-)

And so does Baby :-)

Just a few pics of our patio and backyard...

Lanny added another side to the little cubby 

he made for the chickens and ducks 

IN the Goat House :-)

Made Dad some pancakes 

for his second breakfast...

I've got tomatoes turning...

And my first cukes...

I got everything out 

pretty late this year


we have moles, big time!

Contender Beans

ready to pick...

we already had one nice mess from these bushes!

Baby stripping off the Viburnum Bush

Lanny picked two big bowls of beans...

about 2 gallons!

From a little 2x5 foot bed...

Next year I am going to go for it!

These are Contender Beans, 

no strings and YUMMY!!!

The dogs have a blast out here...

I just have to keep telling them not to eat the "treats"

if you know what I mean!!!

And the goats are just fascinated by them...

I guess they think they are weird looking goats :-)


They are so pretty!

Lanny brought the girls up some Pine...

they really like the Pine...

Lanny got a heavy duty tote for Willie...

And made him a soft bed of hay...

The top is screwed on 

so it should protect him from any digging animals...

He found a beautiful spot 

under a big tree down by one of the creeks...

it will be a good spot for the large animals 

we will have to bury in the future...

Paula has horses...

Dad and Lanny ran out for some parts,
to have some lunch 

and to drive out to the Norris Dam just for fun...

Paula and I headed down for some fun grocery shopping...

...we passed the big bulls...

... and the camels...

I Love 'Em!!!

We ate lunch at Freddy's!!!

Boy, I am FULL!!!

Then we went to Big Lots and to Aldi's...

our definition of FUN!! :-)

Came home to the girls!

These two are helping me to feel better :-)

...and perhaps I am helping them too :-)

Sparkley a little late!!

I got behind today!

Fiona LOVES the berries and the juice...

I was SO full from lunch...

I bought a Mama Cozi Pizza at Aldi's

(they are quite good, by the way)

and heated that for the men...

Chores are done,

I am more than ready to sit down and relax...

this has been a rough week...

we are into the Marvel series...

it will take us a month to go thru them...

We have 22 of the movies and cannot always

watch a whole one in a night :-)

old people!

Goodnight Family and Friends...

thank you for praying for us and for Willie...

God has worked it all out...

maybe not exactly the way we would have wanted it,

but His way...

and that, in the long run, is the best way...

God Bless


Sweet Dreams!

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