Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... July 11

Quiet Time...

"For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting; 
And His truth endureth to all generations." 
Psalm 100:5 KJV
Good Morning Tuesday...

Dad didn't get up until around 6:45 

but I was ready for him...

Quiet Time...

With my Sweet Pack...

Still keeping one eye on the Goat Cam...

Willie is still here with us, but I haven't seen him ruminating

(which they usually do off and on all night) 

or getting up to nibble on hay as they usually do...

5:45 Microgreen Time...

no changes, just watered 

and checked all the trays...

Out to the Barnyard...

It just doesn't feel right for there not to be three...

Willie is not good today.

He still isn't in active pain and we will not let him suffer.

I can take him to the vet walk in to be put down

so we will be prepared for that.

I just don't want Lanny to have to do it...

The chickens and ducks INSIST on laying eggs 

in the goat house which is dangerous for the eggs... 

so Lanny made a couple little egg compartments 

that the goats could not step on 

and would keep the eggs safe til I collect them. 

These were spots that the ducks and chickens 

were already using so it should work out... 

we shall see :-)

And of course he had help!

Maggie loves to come out in the barnyard!


Baby and Fiona stripping the Viburnum again...

Willie is not eating or drinking now 

and won't even take treats from my hand... 

I am managing to give him pain medicine 

by putting it on his lip and he licks it off... 

At least he is not screaming 

as I have read they will do from the pain... 

as I said, we will NOT let it come to that...

These two lap babies are extra cuddly the last few days...

they know what is going on...

Lanny finally found a tractor we could afford 

and from a close neighbor... 

I LOVE buying things from people that we know 

and live close... 

he is very excited, to put it mildly!!!

I hope the video works but if not,

here are some stills :-)

Willie is trying so hard...
and Fiona is protecting him...

We took Daddy down to the Chinese Restaurant...

he LOVES Chinese...

and I needed a respite as well...

although it was only Fiona standing in for me...

Goodnight Y'all...

Pray for us because at this point 

we are ready to take him to the vet in the morning...

if he is not up and around and dramatically better
we have to end it. 

His belly is swollen and he is crying when he strains... 

I will check on him often thru the night 

and hope he can make it til morning 

before he is in too much pain...

God bless,


Sweet Dreams...

I hope I can...

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