Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 13

Quiet Time... 

"Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: 
nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness 
unto them which are exercised thereby." 
Hebrews 12:11 KJV
Good Morning Friday!

Dad slept til 5:30 and I was ready for him...
He stays up most of the night and is usually still up when I get up,
but occasionally he goes to bed and sleeps a bit later than 4...
I am ready for either one :-)

I settled in with Maggie and Mitzi 
and Casey in the Bean Bag...

Murphy was in our bed under the comforter 
so he didn't join us until I was nearly ready to get up 
and start my morning routine...

It takes her a moment or two to relax once Lanny sits down...
she is a silly little girl...

Microgreen Time...
Time to check on the Green Babies...

Baby Lettuce...

Murph and Mags still snoozin'...

And Mitzi still hasn't totally relaxed :-)

Out to the Barnyard...

Waiting at the Gate...

Blue Ducks...
for anyone that doesn't know...
we dye our duck pond water blue to keep the algae down
(it is sold especially for that 
and doesn't hurt the ducks or any other critters or plants)
so our ducks are BLUE!!!

Made the Men Fried Eggs, Bacon and Toast...
I actually ate a couple pieces of Bacon and an Egg myself 
because Paula and I had to go to her doctors appointment at lunch time 
and we didn't want to eat out...
we have eaten fast food too many times this week!

I planted another couple small trays of greens...
this is my Big Barn Garden work area...

And this is the "dining room" 
Greens Room work surface... 
I cover the table so I can work some in here too...

A slight water leak Lanny had to fix...
always something!!

Paula and I headed down the hill around 10 
to see her Pulmonary Doctor Hughes...
So, she does have cancer, that we knew...
It was caused by smoking, and we figured that...

Good news is that the moment she found out 
she had cancer she QUIT SMOKING!!!

The cancer is small and if no lymph nodes are affected 
she can have that right rear lobe of the lung removed 
and she will be "cured"!!! 

She will see a surgeon soon 
and Dr. Hughes always does a brain scan 
to be sure there is nothing happening there.

I will report more as we find out...
Not sure when she will see the surgeon.
Keep praying... now, that the lymph nodes are clear...

When we got home I sat down with Lanny and the fur kids
 for a little rest before I did a few chores and get dinner going. 

I put this Homemade Coney Island Hot Dog Sauce in the Crock Pot 
before I left this morning and it smells SO good... 
It will be great on our Hot Dogs tonight!!

I needed to clean the duck pond pump and check for eggs...

Maggie came out with me and sniffed the entire back barnyard... :-)

100% Beef Wieners with no weird stuff in 'em,
my Home Made Buns, Home Made Hot Dog Sauce...
CANNOT beat it!!!

Then, out to our little Barnyard Babies!!!

So, Lanny changed his mind last night and we watched
Medicine Man (Sean Connery)...
Tonight we will watch
"The Rock"
and then several Nicolas Cage movies...

I hope Paula feels as relieved as I do...
tonight perhaps we can both rest a bit better...
there is still a long way to go...
any kind of surgery is risky and not a walk in the park...
but I feel this is the best case scenario in this situation...
God is SO good!
Now if the brain scan and the lymph node is clear....
Continue to lift her and us in your prayers...

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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