Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... October 15

Quiet Time...

"so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: 
it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish 
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." 
Isaiah 55:11 KJV
Good Morning Sunday...

Dad was awake so I got him settled in and then sat down with my fur kids...

Had them all snuggled up and waiting for their Daddy to join us :-)

Mitzi has been spending more time with us in here...
I don't know if she is getting near her time and just wants to be with us...

Two day germination the old weighted way...
I'll stick to the tried and true...

Harvested a couple trays...

Spinach is finished freeze drying...

I LOVE freeze dried spinach...
canned spinach is so mushy but freeze dried cooks up like fresh!

Out to the Barnyard...

Waiting, as usual...

Gave them the roots and stems of the Microgreens...

And some left over popcorn from last night...

Made the men an Herb Stuffed Omelet, Toast and Orange Slices...

I keep freeze dried eggs, green onions, micro greens, chicken broth, shredded cheese, bell peppers, chopped garlic and some goat cheese in my cubbard so that it's always close when I am cooking... I rarely have green onions or bell peppers in the fridge so freeze dried is perfect for me....

We watched Calvary on YouTube...
not like being there but the next best thing...

Deli Turkey Sandwiches for Lunch...

Then a short rest...

Several of the girls were busy...

Had a few stray cherry tomatoes on a volunteer bush in the herb garden...
the chickens LOVE cherry tomatoes...

So do Fiona and Baby...

Making Cabbage and Ham Soup 
so I had some cabbage to share...

Goats like it too...

Cabbage, Ham and White Bean Soup 
(with home canned chicken feet stock)!!

Cornbread and other stuff...

Salad with yummy Microgreens!!

Well, it started raining 
so we had to abbreviate our Barnyard goodnight...
they didn't mind...

Tonight we will watch
"Independence Day"...
Will Smith...

We had recently watched the other Nicolas Cage movies 
so we changed our plans :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends!!!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

Pray for Paula and us...
Pray for the Middle East!

1 comment:

  1. Finally figured out how to post on your blog page. Prayers for Paula and Israel. I love you all.


Thursday on Walden's Mountain... June 27

Quiet Time...  🌺🌸 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your an...