Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... October 22

Quiet Time...

"And now, Lord, what wait I for? 
My hope is in Thee." 
Psalm 39:7 KJV
Sunday Morning...

Sweet Mitzi...
she doesn't like to get under the cover 
but likes to put her face in it...

Not their usual pile up, 
but they are all here...


Almost ready to harvest...

Chopped Garlic 
ready to go into the freeze dryer...

So stressed!

Grinding wheat berries...
been awhile since I made 100% whole wheat breads...
It is hit and miss with whole wheat but I am determined
to make consistently good loaves...
whole wheat is SO much better for us,
especially when soaked or sprouted and freshly ground...

Soaking wheat berries to sprout and dry...
then I will grind...
makes the flour more nourishing and digestible...

Freshly ground...
this is from the unsoaked berries...

Out to the Barnyard...

Yep, my groupies are loyal!

Enjoying their corn scratch...

I always give the kids some Timothy Hay and Pellets
and a bit of rabbit feed (they think it is a BIG treat)
on their play structure...
they think that is a treat as well :-)

Maggie coming in from her rounds...

For Breakfast 
I made the men a nice Omelet and Toast...
also some orange slices...
need lots of vitamin C this time of year :-)

Making "Artisan Bread" 
using the freshly ground wheat berries...
this dough is pretty wet 
and sits in the fridge a couple days 
to soak and soften...
it is also more digestible...

I am experimenting this week :-)

It has to sit on the counter for a couple hours until it rises...

I forgot to take a picture of my hamburger buns yesterday...
it is so soft... it will make a great BBQ Sandwich!

The dough has risen nicely 
and will now go into the fridge to "ferment" a few days...

Homemade BBQ Sauce 
for the Pork Butt I cooked yesterday...

Sparkly Day...

Black Forest Ham Sandwiches for lunch...

Everyone wanted the berries today...

Midnight thinking about laying an egg :-)

BBQ Pork Sandwiches and Fritos...
Rob and Molly have been sick this week 
so I took them some "Take Out" :-)
thought it would be best not to expose Dad
just in case they were still contagious...

The others ate theirs open faced 
by I wanted a BBQ Sandwich the old fashioned way :-)

Day is done...
Ready for the evening...

Tonight will be 
"Mission Impossible 2"...


I have a friend named Wendy (she gave me my sweet rooster Bucky)
that is having a very serious cancer surgery tomorrow...
Lift her up in your prayers...


Goodnight Family and Friends!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!!

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