Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... October 24

Quiet Time...

"For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, 
to the glory of God through us."
2 Corinthians 1:20


Good Morning
Bake Day and Fast Day...
those two things don't really go together
but it ends up being a really good test of
my will power :-)

Murph came in late and lost his spot...

Ready to go into Black Out!

Getting tall...
I really like these MG seeds from True Leaf
better than the other ones...

Baby lettuce...
the second tray...

These are the first tray 
and getting the second set of leaves!!

So, here are the sprouted wheat berries...

Filling the Dehydrator trays...

Also put some pulled pork into the Freeze Dryer...
can't wait to see how this does!!

Sparkley Day...

Out to the Barnyard Critters...

Today my Groupies get the berries...
I try to alternate...
not enough for both groups to get some...

The goats love the corn...
something they shouldn't have much of,
of course!!!

I love fall...
for a LOT of reasons...
but this is one...

So, let the baking begin...
Herb Rolls rising in the oven...

And out of the oven
smelling up my kitchen...
I LOVE the smell of homemade bread,
but the smell of herb bread is SO GOOD!!!

Also making a new recipe for rolls...
I think these will be even better.
Softer and more like the ones you get in the restaurant...
light and fluffy.

I made SO many messes today I lost count again...

Sandwich Bread...

Made Dad some tuna for lunch...
he made himself some tuna on saltines...

These are the second batch of rolls...
they are fabulous!!!

Also made some Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Brownies
for our supper tonight...

Sweet Baby...

Went over to yak with Paula...
Here are her three Fur Babies...

Corky (Maggie's brother... 
they look exactly alike only Corky is twice as big!)
Katie and Cody...
She recently had to put her older girl Taffy down...
it is SO hard to let go of one of our babies...

Tonight we had Breaded Chicken Breasts, 
Fries and Mixed Veggies...
Brownies for Dessert...

Then out to the Evening Groupies :-)

Got the kids fed their grains 
and filled up their hay basket for the night...
they eat off and on all evening :-)

Goodnight Fiona and Baby!

Gave the chicks and ducks some left over veggies 
and broken up fries...

Time for Jammies and a movie...
Next Mission Impossible...
Ghost Protocol...
I was never a huge Tom Cruise fan...sorry...
but I really like him in Mission Impossible.

My friend Wendy did not have her surgery yesterday...
some equipment issues at the hospital... 
but she has been in surgery all day today. 
It is looking pretty good. 
The doctor is having to literally scrape the tumors and cancer off of organs, 
intestines, and also remove the appendix, spleen and resection part of the bowels...
 it is extensive! I cannot imagine. Keep her in your prayers. 
Her husband says she is doing great...
vital signs are holding steady... God is good!!!

Goodnight All!!!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!!

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