Saturday, November 11, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... November 11

Quiet Time...

"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; 
but in deed and in truth."
1 John 3:18 KJV
I didn't have a good night...
around 10 I went into afib....
so I was up most of the night...
my heart didn't kick back in to normal 
until about 5:30 this morning...
So I have been washed out all day...
Dad wasn't up,
but I got ready for him...

And we had our Quiet Time
as usual...

Microgreen Time...
this is about the time I got back into normal rhythm...

Out to the Barnyard...

Now it is Rhoda's turn to molt...
she doesn't look as bad as Willow did...
at least, not yet :-)

Ground Beef out of the Freeze Dryer and
packaged up for storage...

Lanny had eaten earlier...
I made Dad some French Toast Sticks...

I went down the hill to meet a friend
giving me some fabulous sourdough starter...
I cannot wait to get into sourdough again!!!

Passed my Buddies in the Ponderosa Zoo Pastures...

The Camels weren't out today...

Sparkley Day...

Berries for whoever gets there first...

And some pasta...

For Supper we had Chicken Breast, 
Fries and Broccoli!!

The work day is over...
Time for Couch Time with my Pack...

Update on Wendy:
she is feeling better everyday...
still having trouble eating and her taste and smell
are still off from the chemo flush...
but she is on the mend!!!


Tonight is 
"Blade Runner"
...Harrison Ford...

Goodnight All...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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