Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Day on Walden's Mountain... November 23

Quiet Time...

"O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: 
For His mercy endureth for ever." 

Psalm 107:1 KJV 


This was last night... Goat Camera...
Baby is laying on Fiona's hip as a pillow...
I just thought it was SO sweet...
They do it so often...


Good Morning Thursday...

Thanksgiving Day...

Study Time
with the Pack...

No changes in the Greens Room this morning...

Out to my Barnyard Critters...

Waffles, Pancakes, Sausage and Oranges
for my Men...
Second Breakfast :-)

Sparkly Day...

Making a big batch of Pancakes for the freezer...
Love the convenience of pulling out a few 
for breakfast whenever I need them...

It was quite a busy day but not all dinner prep...
I was piddling with my sourdough 
and other projects I am working on...
But we did do Thanksgiving...
just the four of us...
Turkey, Dressing, Taters, Green Beans, 
Sweet Potatoes, Rolls and Pecan Pie for Dessert...

Ready to settle down on the couch with my Sweeties

and watch the next Matrix...

Goodnight Family and Friends...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...

I am so thankful for my life, 

my family, my friends....

I have a long list :-)

God Bless


Sweet Dreams!

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