Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... December 17

Sorry friends and family... I got up but just went right back in and laid down... I think it's just a bad cold... I haven't had a cold in YEARS!!! 

Anyway, I also have a fever which wears me out. 

I took some daytime cold and flu stuff and that helps a bit...

I fed the fur kids and went out to take care of the Barnyard...
only what I absolutely have to do...

Lanny is working on the fireplace - 
figuring out the flooring and backer wall...

Had to do Sparkly today...
also made the men some Cinnamon Toast for Breakfast...

Made them a sandwich for lunch and
warmed up the left over Chinese for supper...
I have been resting ALL day...

Tonight we will watch Donavan's Reef...

Paula starts her radiation tomorrow
and please pray I will be better so that I can go to her first Chemo on Tuesday...
otherwise she will have to get Shelly to go with her...
I really want to be with her...

God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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