Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... June 6

Quiet Time...


“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ ‭



Good Morning Thursday...
warm mornings...

This morning the wind was blowing our 
large wind chime, creating such a beautiful "melody"...
add a couple frogs and morning birds and it was
such a sweet and peaceful Quiet Time/Bible Study...

Needs one more day of Black Out...

Fed the pups and cat
and headed out to the Barnyard...

Mags is turning circles!

This mess is Willow...
she is the worst looking hen when she is molting!
which seems a LOT more often than any of the others!!

The three new girls...
they slept on the top of the lattice last night.
No more chicken chasing for me!!! :-)

Looking out the kitchen window...

It sprinkled a bit
so the girls high tailed it to the house :-)

A little visitor in Lanny's shop...

Putting on his egg hunter knee protectors...

The ladies have five perfectly wonderful nest boxes...

But NO!
They lay eggs under the steps of the Goat Platform...

Even the ducks!

We have baby Tree Swallows in this box...
the parents LOVE to dive bomb us
when we are near...
SO cute!!!

Decorating his shop entry...


The barnyard is still a bit wet from all the rain,
so these ladies use the coop floor
(which is deep litter and really good dirt)
for their dust bath...

I am not sure if the blue birds are
reusing this nest... 
I think I need to clean it out for them...

A little visitor...
the little ones can run thru the electric fence
with just minor discomfort :-)

Nibbling on mint...

A baby Tree Swallow
waiting for Momma...

Here she comes...

Made some Creamy Potato Soup for Supper...
not exactly "soup weather"...
but I wanted it :-)

Thirteen eggs today...
I don't think the snake has grabbed any...

Last night we watched
"Gone With The Wind"...
Tonight Lanny has chosen
"Enemy Mine"...
quite a bit of language
(made in the 80's when they started
letting them cuss!!!)
Anyway, it is a sweet movie
and we block out the cussing...

The Goats are in their house...
Chicken Feed is safely out of rodent reach...
Fresh water and a few treats
for the chickens...

Continue to lift up our family...

Goodnight All...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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