Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday on Walden's Mountain...

Quiet Time... 


“Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ 

“looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,”

‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭



Hello Thursday...

Cool enough to open the door!!!

Both of my fur babies
are cuddling this morning.

Quiet Time Bible Study
with my favorite Pack Mates!

Finished this one last night...

And started on this one...

Less than 24 hours
and look at that germination!

I am experimenting with some
wheat berries for wheat grass...
chickens and goats love it...
usually... :-)

Chow time for the fur kids...

And then out
to take care of the rest of our family!

Maggie says she is READY!!

Maggie is checking for tomatoes with me...

First tomatoes!!!

Lanny is creating his
Breakfast Feast...

Fiona is hoping I will come out to the gate...
all they think about is eating!!!

Another brand new water lily...
just beginning to open...

Hosta flowers are pretty
but understated :-)

Nibbling on the willow...


Lanny brought up some fresh Kudzu...
they really love kudzu...

Sparkly Day...

Frog buddy on the rim of the koi pond...

Three of the ducks
are chillin' by the gate...

Mung Bean Sprouts...
I sprout them for Rob and Molly
and for us...
they are SO good stir fried
and in stir fried rice!!!

Lanny got the mail on his TORO...
Thru rain or snow or tall grass :-)

I have been working on my craft room
ALL day long...
My old iMac has become
so slow and has been used
mostly to play music...
I cleaned every program off of it
and downloaded the Silhouette software
and will dedicate it solely to Cameo...

Of course, my Craft Room is also
my Freeze Dryer room
my Garden Room
but it is plenty big enough
for all of it :-)

Tonight we are having
Fish Sticks, Mac and Tomatoes
and Spinach...
and a light Salad...

Heading out to chill with the critters
for a few minutes...
It will only be a few minutes
because it is 94 out there!!!

Gave them some veggies
and berries and cherry tomatoes...
and a couple oyster crackers :-)

It's all gone, but they want MORE!!
Goats are heavy if you ever wondered...
when they step on your foot
or try to get in your lap :-)

Fiona is licking my legs and arms...
I guess for the salt...

Hard to see, but Baby's eyes are closing
as Lanny rubs her neck :-)

They are waiting for me to
check the soldier fly grub pail...


Chores are done,
kitchen is clean...
Pup Piles are picked up
and the Barnyard is ready for evening...


James had a pet scan and
there is no evidence of disease!!!
He still has a long way to go to heal
so continue to lift him up for
active salivary glands
and taste buds :-)

Of course
continue to lift Paula as well...
she said she is feeling a few old symptoms
from the Immunotherapy... :-(
Now they are saying she is hyper thyroid...
last week it was hypo... so she has to cut her pills in half...
too many variables....
lets pray they get everything under control...

We will continue our
John Wayne Week with
"Rio Bravo"...


Sleep Tight...

God Bless you ALL!!!
Sweet Dreams...

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