Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain.... July 9

Quiet Time... 


“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.”

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭22‬-‭25‬ ‭

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19‬:‭14‬ 



Good Morning Tuesday...

Murph stayed in our bed for a little while
this morning...
it was just me and Maggie at first...

...then Murph decided to join us...

... and then Daddy...

The whole pack...
Quiet Time Bible Study...
Max too!

I finished the large one last night...
and started another...
I like this soft yellow color...
it will match my living room/dining room
when my sun flowers are out...

Soon I will start on the fall colors :-)

6:00 Garden Time...
Into the Light today...

Fur Baby Chow Time...

Look at that tongue!
She enjoyed it!

Out to the Barnyard...

Maggie is spinning :-)

So far this red sky
has not done its job..
supposed to be rain coming!!!
But as of the end of the day
We sure do need some rain!!!

Murphy enjoys being out too,
but he is cautious of all the critters!

Lucy still up there
when all the other chickens are enjoying morning treats!
Even her sister Ethyl!

Ethyl is laying eggs
but Lucy has not laid a one!

Pup Pile Pickup...

I had let the Sparkly grains rest
so nothing to decant today...

This is not a happy beetle...

He showed me his weapons
but there was no real enthusiasm...

The Turtle Head is blooming...

And the Bee Balm...

Paula was letting the horses out
as we were leaving at 7:30
for the doctor...

Passed the Ponderosa...

Mimosa in bloom
by the Railroad Bridge...

Passed it coming home as well...

So, Lanny will have a bladder scan
(Cystoscopy) on the 29th...
He had some prostrate surgery in 2018
and had some bladder stones at that time...
so we are thinking that is what is causing 
his problems now...
anyway, we will know more on the 29th.

After we left the doctors office 
we met Gail (Molly's Mom)
on the property that she bought
that Robbie is going to build a house on...
Lanny is going to do the heavy equipment/dirt moving
so they talked about that for awhile...
it was already HOT....

So when we got home
we sat back on the couch
 in this cool living room
and took a snooze...
even tho we don't eat lunch on Tuesdays
doesn't mean we won't nap :-)

Rob and Lanny talking "new house"...
Gail flips houses
so it isn't going to be a personal house...
it will be investment property...

I warmed up our Sunday Soup
(So good when warmed over :-))
and added sliced cucumber (from our garden),
sliced onion, sweet peppers and tomatoes for a little salad...
Just a light vinegar dressing...
also YUM!
We both need to lose a pound or two
so we are going to try to eat a bit healthier
and lighter...
say a prayer for us :-)

Chores are done...
critters are taken care of...
we are ready to settle down for the evening...
tonight, in our John Wayne lineup is (drum roll)
"In Harms Way"... 
another favorite!!

Thank you all for praying for James...
he is slowly but surely getting better
but still has a way to go.
Paula is feeling better at this point
so hopefully the meds will
help her continue with her

And remember Lanny...
would be so good to take care of this
lingering urinary issue.


Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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