Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, March 21

Quiet Time....

“pray without ceasing;”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:17


The morning chores were taken care of...Sadie slept in until about 7 and I had to wait a few more minutes until it was light enough to do the outside chores...

The ducks aren't letting me down...

I let the feathered kids out into the lovely spring morning and went in to get ready for church...

Sadie and I left around 8 but we couldn't find the car "key"...It was in a pair of Lanny's pants...took us quite awhile to find them but we were only about 15 minutes late getting to church for Ensemble practice :-)

Came home right after church and made our new routine Sunday Hamburgers...Sadie went home with her Mom after church so she didn't eat with us, but Robbie and Paula did. Molly is in Nashville helping Kyra move in to her new apartment!

My Misfits box came today...I LOVE my Misfit produce box!!

Lanny and I sat down on the couch after eating lunch and putting the produce away, but we didn't nap...he had to get back to the church at 3...

The lettuce seed sprouts peeked out yesterday and today I see some of the carrot seeds sprouting!

My Black Maran hens laid eggs today...

...and so did Miss Bossy, so we had 3 duck and 3 chicken eggs...

Paula and Shelly have been working on the garden spot at the top of the driveway for the last few is looking good, and will be ready for planting April Grandpa Walden always said wait til Tax Day to plant...

Paula is starting some seeds so she will have a head start come April 16...

The sky has been so beautiful the last two days...
Spring is really in the air!

I took care of the Puppy Landmines and put the chicks and ducks to bed...I am sitting here in my jammies finishing this post...Lanny will be home around 7:30 and we may be able to start a movie...not sure that we will finish it, but you never know.

I'll let you know tomorrow what we watch...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless the USA 
and God bless you ALL!!!

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