Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, March 25

Quiet Time....

“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

‭‭James‬ ‭4:7‬


We had our usual morning with the Lord, each other, and our pack...
it was a really nice morning...

I took care of all the inside chores: breakfast for the fur kids, a little sorting in the kitchen, and finally it's daybreak...

One of my duck girls dropped the ball this morning :-) 
only two eggs today...

Peeping on my husband thru the kitchen window...

Working hard on his shop...

Went out to say good morning to the horses...

Cannot wait to start planting in this garden spot!

Random photos of my morning walk...
before the rain...

Lanny and I went down to Aldi's and Food City...just needed a few items...and we enjoy the time together...

Made some tomato soup for Mom and Dad for lunch... Lanny had to go to the church to make some CD's for Faye.

I sat down for a few minutes with Mitzi...she is terrified of storms and thunder...poor baby...

Maggie could care less...

Lanny came home and joined us for a short snooze...
it's raining after all...

Rob is working so hard on the house... 
he says they should be back "home" this weekend...

...the view from their deck...

I made Pancakes, Eggs and Ham for supper...

After supper I went out to chat with Paula and Shelly and give the horses some carrots...

The lettuce came up several days ago as did the I see beets!

So everything I planted is coming up... so exciting!

Lanny did Puppy Pile Patrol and I put the ducks to bed...

I had to put the chickens in the coop early today because my duck drake was on top of my hen Bossy and had her pinned down by the neck...I thought she was dead. She wasn't, but a drake can kill a hen if he tries to mate with her...I won't go into the details but it just isn't meant to be!! That drake will be waking up in a new home if he does it again...I have two drakes and three females...they really shouldn't be chasing my hens. I think they are just bullies!! Anyway, she is fine for now...I will keep a close eye on them.

Lanny is in the shower, I am in my jammies and ready for a movie...
I worked on the taxes last night since Lanny was at work...Glory! I did our taxes AND Mom and Dad's in no time flat! I am in shock. They were the easiest returns I've ever's kind of scary...I hope they are right (haha)!

Goodnight Y'all!
God bless!

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