Saturday, April 3, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, April 3

Quiet Time....

“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.”
‭‭John‬ ‭3:14-15


Sweet time with my honey and the fur kids this morning...
Max stayed on his tree perch...I think the fire felt good to him...

Murphy didn't feel well this morning...I think he eats bugs and who knows what else out in the yard... he didn't eat breakfast but he did eat supper later in the day, so he is OK...

Finished Bible Study and made our bed... did some things in the kitchen until puppy breakfast time (I try to wait until around 6:15 or so...they would eat at 4 AM if I'd feed them :-)...

Then I headed out to take care of the chicks and ducks...

You can just barely see the morning star...

We've had a morning moon for the last few days... Lovely!!

Yes, it was COLD!!

Three duck eggs... as a reminder, the ducks lay at night and the chickens lay later in the morning...

As you can see, the ducks like ice water...I break up the ice and they dive right in!

Lanny and I headed down the hill around 7:45 for our Breakfast Date at Hoskins...

We stopped at Home Depot to pick up some hinges for Paula.... they had the Kids Workshop packs out front so we picked up one for Sadie and dropped it off at her house... she loved doing the Kids Workshop at Home Depot every first Saturday... they said they will start doing it again soon...

Got home and did some laundry and cleaned up the chicken coop and duck house...
and my chicks gave me some eggs today :-)

Lanny took the truck and ran back down the hill for some lumber to continue his pond deck project...

The dogs cannot seem to forget last nights salmon...

Maggie is the only one that will sit in the hammock with me... it was actually HOT sitting there in the sun...LOVE IT!!

The chicks and ducks love Lanny's truck...who knows why...

Maggie and I have a very close relationship... :-) 
...she looks so deeply in my eyes and actually hugs and cuddles...
AND kisses. What can I say...she is my girl!!

I went out to see what Paula was up to...couldn't find her (she had already gone in) but I did find Luke sunning in the drive...

...and the horses grazing in the pasture... Dandy is out there but he is camouflaged by the trees!

The pond is coming along...

I made Kraut and Wieners, Yams, Carrots and Celery, fresh Collards and Mustard Greens, Garlic Toast, and Applesauce and Chocolate Chip Brownies for Dessert...

Dad and Lanny went out after supper to work a little more and enjoy the evening sun... Dad said he has the best job..."Observer" :-)

The dogs love to hang out with us...especially when it's sunny and warm...

Man talk....

Lanny is cleaning up the tools and putting them under cover for the night...I am showered and in my clean jammies and finishing this post...

... the yard is picked up, the chicks and ducks are in bed, their ponds and buckets are full of clean water...

I think we will be watching "Star Trek, Search for Spock" tonight...since dinner was light (low cal) we will be having popcorn and probably a little ice cream...

Goodnight Y'all....
God bless the USA!

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