Sunday, May 30, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, May 30

Quiet Time....

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

‭‭John‬ ‭10:11‬

I love our quiet time in the early morning hours...

And Mitzi joined us today...

Dad came in and picked up his coffee and donut and headed back to his desk...

The fur kids were "demanding" breakfast so I had to get them fed before I headed out...

I feel like I am running a zoo around here :-)
AND I have a couple of really picky critters...

Maggie has to be kept at a distance from the others...she gets a little possessive :-)

After the puppies were fed and the beds were made I headed out to the waiting feathered kids...

I took a walk around the yard...I love to do that early in the day, when the birds are singing...


Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Chives, Parsley

It's Sunday, but I don't have to go to Ensemble practice today.... The Youth are leading the the music service. So I have an extra hour....

I made a jello dessert...

Then I set the table and did some last minute prep...

and headed outside to look around a little more... I think I could LIVE outside :-)
The chickens often wait for me at the gate...

The gourds are coming up nicely...only the nest egg gourds are not up... I may have to replant them.

I headed down the hill at 9...

It was nice to sit in the congregation for a change...
and the youth did a great job.

We had Hamburgers, Baked Beans and Potato Chips for our Sunday Dinner.
Cake and Jello for Dessert.

Lanny went back out to play in the Kubota and I just went outside. I looked for eggs around the yard but didn't find any. I hope that the feathered friends will forget about the snake and start laying their eggs in the nest boxes where they belong :-)

The potatoes are growing fast...the small baskets may be a mistake :-)
This is a learning situation...

So, Lanny is back and in the shower...I am watching the end of another Star Trek and then we will watch the end of the first Lord of the Rings...we didn't make it thru last night. We just cannot help it...we get sleepy by 8/8:30 :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless America 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, May 29

Quiet Time.....

“He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:29‬

Last night...
The Hobbit wore her out! :-)

My Study Buddies...
Waiting for Daddy to get up and join us...

Went out at 6 to take care of the feathered babies...

I love first light...

Two here in the duck house and one out by the fence...

Took care of Dad's meds, made our bed, fed the fur kids and headed down the hill at 7:45... 
for our breakfast date!

Ate at Hoskins and then went to Food City for some groceries...bought the fixing's for tomorrows burgers.

Then when we got home I slapped them on the flattop!
I'll warm them up in Onion Soup tomorrow after church and YUM!

Well, the pond is no worse off for the adventure yesterday. Everything (including the fish) seems to be OK...

Max stays out all night and sleeps all day (except for his meals)...

I vacuumed and mopped the house today and all the dogs (and Max) were avoiding me on the futon...

For supper I made Popcorn Shrimp, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans and Carrots and Wilted Lettuce (Bacon Grease and Bacon Bits) with Vidalia Onion slivers...
WOW it was good!

Lanny is back out on the Kubota playing in the mud...
I put the chicks and ducks to bed, finished up in the kitchen, took my shower and now I am sitting here in my jammies finishing up this post...

We will start on Lord of the Rings tonight...I LOVE the Hobbit and LOTR trilogies...
I'm sure we will have some popcorn, perhaps an ice cream cone...I AM full from dinner, but we shall see.

Goodnight Y'all...
Have a sweet and restful night!
See you in church!!

God bless America1

Friday, May 28, 2021

A Day in the Life / Friday, May 28

Quiet Time.....

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:12

I think the warm weather is finally here...this warm at 4:30!

Quiet time with the fur kids... waiting on Daddy to get up...

Headed outside at 6 because first light was past and the feathered kids were calling me... but as I went out the door I noticed the absence of a familiar waterfall... looked over at the fish pond and it was nearly empty! A hose had come undone and if the pump had not burned up we would have lost the fish. As it happened, the pump stopped with about 4 inches left in the pond and the fish are fine. I ran down to Willow Ridge at 8 and picked up some de-chlor, came back and filled the pond back up. It was then that we realized the pump was dead, so we had to go back and buy another pump... we found one with auto shutoff at Home Depot so that won't happen again.

Lanny is already out making noise in that big Kubota Earth Mover...he is having WAY too much fun!

Only two eggs in the duck house but later in the day I found the third up against the fence way in the back of the yard. I think that snake really scared one of the ducks. Hopefully we have it secure and they will feel more comfortable as time passes...

Picked more radishes from the garden...
Produce is SO beautiful, especially when it's from your own garden!

Then I roamed around the yard looking for eggs...I haven't had any chicken eggs for a week or so except for a couple laid under the pool deck. Chicks and Ducks are nervous about the snakes...and for good reason...

This guy is FULL of stolen egg! I am just going to have to check the yard and nest boxes more often in the morning hours and try to stop his raiding. At least cut it down. I will gladly share an egg or two for his rat, mice and poisonous snake patrol but I do want a few for US!

On our way out to Home Depot we came upon a visitor in the Bay Doorway of the Barn...

I picked him up and escorted him out into the tall grass before Max or Luke spotted him...they also kill frogs, along with rabbits and anything else they can get their little cat claws into!

For Dinner I made Beef, Onions and Noodles and Normandy Veggies, with Crescent Rolls.... SOOOOO good!

Went out in the rain to shut up the chickens (they were already in the coop out of the rain) and then chased the ducks around the yard a little before they would come in OUT of the rain...they LOVE rain!

Lanny is in the shower. I am in my jammies finishing this post.
We didn't make it thru the whole Hobbit #2 last night, so we will finish it tonight and enjoy some popcorn from the "snack bar"....

Goodnight Y'all...
God Bless Us Every One...

Sweet Dreams!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, May 27

Quiet Time.....

“For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3:17‬


Study Buddies...

The sun is coming up early so I am going out to take care of the chicks and ducks right after our Quiet Time.

Two eggs again...however...
I found a duck egg out by the fence later in the day.
I think the snake scared one of the duck hens.

Maggie needs to relax more...
she is so tense...

I came in and gave Dad his meds, made the beds and fed the fur kids...

Max was chasing a baby bunny on the patio last night and I stopped him before he hurt it too much...we kept him in a box overnight and I let him go this morning.
He seemed OK...hope so.

Lanny is back at it...

And the horses are still unconcerned...

Nathaniel is working hard on his Tiny House...

I mowed the back yard and chicken/duck lot...
It is HOT...but I do have a pool to jump in and out of :-)

Lanny and I ran down to Home Depot for a sprinkler and a plug for the rain barrel...

For supper I made some Chili Mac, Salad and Garlic Toast...

After dinner Lanny picked up the puppy piles while I cleaned up the kitchen.
Then we went for a ride in the MULE not feed the fish and see the roads he's cut out.

Now we are in our Jammies watching Hobbit #2: The Desolation of Smaug.
I LOVE these movies!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless...

Sweet Dreams

Friday on Walden's Mountain... February 21

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🧥❄️ “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your r...