Monday, May 24, 2021

A Day in the Life / Monday, May 24

Quiet Time.....

“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.”

‭‭John‬ ‭20:21


Nice and quiet for Bible Study...

Daddy was up when I got up at 4...I made a mistake and thought his appointment was's tomorrow... I'm not sure that was why he was awake, but I felt bad about it I made his bed, gave him his meds and told him to go back to bed when he finished his donut :-)

I made our bed and fed the fur kids and headed out into the early morning...'s so beautiful up here...

Look what I picked out of my little garden!

The Big Machine was delivered early this morning and Lanny is in HOG HEAVEN!!! 
He loves heavy equipment and earth moving!
In case I didn't mention it, he is leveling off the spot that Danny needs to set his RV. Then they are going to cut a better road down to the valley for better access onto our land. The existing road is nearly washed out and the MULE trail is a bit steep for easy access. I'll take pictures all along so you can see the progress...

Lanny and Danny waiting patiently as it is unloaded...

JR is not real thrilled with big machines :-)

Operating Instructions...

And there he goes...

Danny ran up to the bay doors to pick up Dad...Lanny needed two supervisors out there :-)

Paula is working on a barn door for the small hay barn...
The back of her truck makes a perfect work bench...

I took the men some Sloppy Joes for lunch and fed Mom half of one... her appetite is down right now...
then I sat down for a few minutes with my "kids"...
all four of them (Maggie is under the blanket).

Lanny ate in the cage...never skipped a beat...

I made him take a break and come up to secure the pool steps...the water was pretty nice. I had to jump in and bring the ladder from the center...
He carried his tools up in the MULE...
he loves his MULE...

We had Baked Spaghetti, Salad (from the Garden) and Crescent Rolls for Supper...

After Supper Lanny picked up the Puppy Landmines and headed back out to the "machine"...
Paula mowed...

We took a run out to the pond to feed the big cats.
It is such a nice ride in the evening...

Lanny is in the shower now and I am finishing this post...
The chicks and ducks are safe in their coops and we will finish the movie we started last night: Air Force One.
I think we may start Hobbit and Lord of the Rings next.

Goodnight Y'all...
Pleasant Dreams
God bless America!

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