Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Day in the Life / Tuesday, May 25

Quiet Time....

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:25

It'll be warm today...

Had our usual quiet time - Dad was up and already dressed for his doctor visit...
I gave him his meds, made his bed (and ours), fed the fur kids and headed outside...

Walked around the yard just to be sure everything was in order...

I think it may be about time for another dinner Breakfast!

Lanny was still.....

I love seeing my feathered friends out the kitchen window...

Took Daddy to the doctor (we left at 7) - since we were first we were in and out pretty quick. We are trying to get him a motorized chair...his legs are just getting too weak to hold him up... The ball is rolling but it will take several weeks.

I brought him home and then headed back down to do some grocery shopping.

When I got back home Lanny was well on his way down the hill cutting in the road... he is getting pretty good at it!

The horses don't seem to mind at all...

Paula's garden!

After I MADE Lanny come up for some lunch we sat down and rested a few minutes...

But not long....the Toro was delivered...

And Lanny is back at it...

Black dogs laying in the hot sun!

And then back into the air conditioned house!

Lanny decided to change equipment and played with the Toro a bit before dinner...

We had "Clean out the Freezer Soup" :-) It's always different but always good!

Homemade Bread, Deviled Eggs and Cornbread...

Sylvia liked the horses...

Everyone has gone home...
The chicks and ducks are in bed...
Dishes are done, jammies are on..

and we are watching the remainder of the first Hobbit...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless!

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