Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, May 26

Quiet Time....

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:14

Bible Study Buddy...notice his progression...little by little...

He wants his Daddy's undivided attention!

I love mornings...

A big black snake was in the duck house last night...they were frantic and the chickens were going crazy was about 9PM... we got him out and the ducks went back into their house, which really surprised me! 

But I only have two eggs this morning, and I am thinking he may have come back in the night and stole the third one...

Meds day...

Lanny went out bright and early to play in the Kubota...he taught Paula a few tricks...

Fed Mom and Dad and Paula some grilled cheese sandwiches...
the pups always beg from Dad...he fed them at the table in the beginning and I finally convinced him (and Mom) not to do's hard to teach an old dog new tricks 
(or an old person :-) ) The more you do it the more they will beg!

Lanny and I ran down the hill and had a lunch date at Freddy's...

We also ran by Home Depot for some misc garden and plumbing supplies and headed for the bus stop to pick up Sadie...

When we got home I had Sadie take me down Papaw's new road and to the little pond...

Lovely thistle...

When we got back it was hot so we put on our bathing suits and hit the pool!

I was in there too but didn't take my phone'll just have to imagine me there :-)
I look great in my swim suit (haha)...

We had Omelets, Bacon, Biscuits, French Toast for supper...

After dinner Lanny went out and put screen on the holes that allowed the snake to come into the duck house... Now they are safe and secure from EVERYTHING!!

The chickens and ducks love to watch us work...

Sadie is out with the horses and Paula and Shelly waiting on her sister to pick her up...

And Lanny was right back at it until I made him come in!

So, the chicks and ducks are in bed SAFE and sound... 
the puppy landmines are all taken care of...

...we are clean, in our jammies and watching the end of Hobbit, Unexpected Journey... yes, it's taken us three days. We just get tired early... and these ARE long movies...

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams...

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