Wednesday, July 28, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, July 28

Quiet Time...

“Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in unchanging love.”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭7:18‬


I had to get up a bit early to take care of everything I need to do in the morning...
we are going to our friend Jen's house to process some more chickens!!

We were able to spend our 90 minutes in Quiet Bible Study and Devotionals...
then I headed outside.

Two duck eggs...
and later in the morning Bossy laid her white chicken egg in just about the same spot!

Grub time...

We headed for Lenoir City to work on chickens!

The are Cornish Cross... meat birds.

Scalding the dead bird...

No more plucking... this is a great way to remove feathers...

Jen and one of her sons demonstrating how to process a chicken!

We brought home six birds today...they are SO large.
Like small turkeys!!!
Very exciting!

Lanny and I stopped by Freddy's on the way home and had lunch...

when we got home I made grilled cheese for Mom and Dad.

No nap... had to head down the hill to pick up Sadie at the bus stop...
her first day of Middle School!

However... the driver did not stop at her drop off and she had to ride to the end of the line before she was brought back to her stop... We were waiting for some time :-)

When we got home Sadie drove me to the big pond to feed the fish...

Fed the chickens and ducks some grubs that I saved from this morning...

Bossy snuck in to the duck house to lay her egg :-)

I warmed up the Spaghetti and the Chicken and Rice from last night...
Lanny and I were still full from lunch :-)

Lanny left for church around 5 and took Sadie home.
I put the chicks and ducks to bed and gave them fresh water.

I am cleaned up and in my jammies finishing this post...
I will watch a few Star Trek episodes until Lanny comes home.
Too late for a movie.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

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