Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday in the Mountains, November 20

Quiet Time...

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ 

I think it's winter time...

No calls in the night but I think I still sleep a little lighter just listening for one...
Dad is up nearly all night (I have motion detection on his camera so I can view in the morning when he was up and when he was in bed)...He definitely has his days and nights mixed up. He doesn't sleep at night and then sleeps all day...

I do get seven hours in the bed, with four hours restful sleep...It seems to be enough. I manage to keep up during the day with only a short snooze after lunch (usually)...

Love our Study Buddies...

Fed the pups and kitty at 6, made beds, distributed meds, piddled in the kitchen...
then headed out to brave the cold morning...

Fire in the Sky....GORGEOUS!!

The Moon...

Yay! a duck egg IN the duck house!! Hope we are setting a new standard :-)
or reviving an old one...

Getting my ducks in a row...

Draco says "Come on Girls, get a move on!"

"Is it nap time yet?"

No kids, it's time to make Banana Quick Bread...

This is the cutest little face on the rottenest (is that a word?) little dog.
This boy is a MESS!! Love his little heart and underbite...

Hi Dandy...

Made Barbecued Chicken Sandwiches for lunch and then Lanny and I DID get a little snooze :-)

Nathaniel cooking Salmon filets and Stuffed Mushrooms in their tiny house!
I tasted it and he is a GREAT COOK!!!

I made Navy Beans, Ham, Purple Cabbage, Cornbread and Banana Bread...

Backyard clean, kitchen clean, fowl in bed, humans in Jammies, pups on the couch waiting...
ready to watch National Treasure 2...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you one and all!
Sweet Dreams!

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