Saturday, December 4, 2021

Saturday in the Hills... December 4...Lanny's Birthday number 75!

Quiet Time...

“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1:5

Dad was still in the bed when I got up...
He is sleeping better at night...still taking a few naps during the day...

He got up around 5 for his coffee and donut...
gave him his meds and took care of a few other things and headed back to my couch and crew...
Bundled Bible Buddies :-)

The camera in the common area...

And Dad enjoying his early morning coffee and donut...

At 6 I took care of the fur kids, the beds and some kitchen chores and then out at sunup to take care of the dwindling flock...we will have to figure out a way to protect them from hawks...I won't have any left after a month or two...

Sad face did not deter them...

The duck egg...

Paula's decorated porch...I am wearing an apron. That would be a mighty ugly shirt :-)

Came in and made bread...
then for lunch I did an ad lib...sliced wieners on hamburger bun halves, toasted with cheese under the broiler. YUM!!! Hey, waste not, want not!

Lanny snored a little but I just relaxed. I just didn't feel like a nap today. I must have had a good nights sleep...

Lanny went down the hill to pick up some shrimp for me...I am going to make Shrimp Egg Foo Yung for his birthday dinner... another YUM!!!
FYI...It is Birthday number 75!

Look at these precious pictures of Isaac and Sylvia (in case you don't know, Isaac is our grand and Sylvia is our great grand!!!


So, here is the Egg Foo Yung, Rice, Gravy, Chicken Wings and Egg kitchen is a MESS but it was very good, if I say so myself... and Lanny LOVED it!!

Opening Birthday Cards!

Mom hid a $100 bill in his card...he was kinda happy about THAT!!

Kitchen if FINALLY clean :-), the puppy landmines are disposed of, the chicks and ducks are tucked in bed... Lanny is in the shower and I am finishing up this post, already in my jammies, ready to watch Star Trek: Undiscovered Country...

Popcorn might be in our future...I am stuffed, but you know what they say about Chinese food :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
I love you ALL!!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 75th Lanny! May God bless you with many more. Ralph will hit 75 on New Year's Eve


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