Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday on the Farm... January 20

Quiet Time...

“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

1 Corinthians 10:13 


Dad was up :-)

I got his meds, put on his socks, took him his cup and thermos and made him a Breakfast Burrito... he was happy...

Then I settled in for some Jesus time :-)

...with my pack... Mitzi kept her Daddy's spot warm til he got there...

At daybreak I went out to care for the chicks and ducks...

The ducks had made a sweet nest but no egg...
however, later in the day I found one out in the yard...

This has been a day... ! Paula took Mom to the Oncologist at 9... the engine light came on so I went down to meet them after the appointment and take the van over to the shop. 

Dad's Physical Therapist called and I had forgotten that she was coming two days a week now, so I had to get his and Lanny's lunch real quick before she came and then head down to get Mom and Paula.

The Oncologist wants Mom to have an MRI to make sure that the cancer has not traveled to her brain... she has several lymph nodes that lit up in the PT Scan. Bottom line is that if she does nothing (no treatment) that she has 6 months to a year... She goes back on February 11 to discuss possible options after he does some tests/cultures on the biopsy tissue. Continue to pray for her peace and for discernment for all of us as we make some important decisions.


For supper I made Ham, Baked Potatoes and Green Beans. YUM!!

We cleaned up the kitchen and yard and the chicks and ducks are in bed.
We will continue with The Lord of the Rings Two Towers tonight.

Goodnight Y'all...
We love and appreciate you all so much for your prayers...
We know you are praying because we can feel it :-)

God bless us every one!
Sweet Dreams...

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