Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday on the Farm... January 28

Quiet Time...

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:45‬


Last night, watching Prince Caspian :-)

Cuddle Bugs...

Mom's 6:30 PM Infusion...

And her 12:30 AM infusion...
She fell asleep during the 30 minute infusion... :-)
She is a trooper!! 
But it is already making her feel better. 
Strong antibiotics for a bad UTI!!

Dad was up...
Inhaler, meds, socks, coffee and a Breakfast Burrito!

We had our usual Quiet Time with the fur kids...
minus Max, who was in the bed in his Daddy's warm spot...

At 6 I made our bed, and fed the fur kids...
just in time to do Mom's 6:30 AM infusion.

Headed out to release the chicks and ducks at daybreak...

Duck egg IN the duck house...
and later in the day a chicken egg in the nest box...

COLD looking sky... to match the cold wind!

Puppies know how to deal with cold weather :-)

Dad's physical therapist came at 9 and put him thru the wringer! 
Cones to avoid... he is really doing well.

His Shower nurse came at 11 but he was really too tired after the PT and ended up falling in the shower. Nothing broken and no harm done... scared Mom AND the nurse. We won't let the two go together again!!

For lunch I made Turkey Sandwiches...

And the short snowfall was beautiful!!

Lanny and I rested a bit, but I had to set the alarm for 12:30 to start Mom's infusion...
and then a timer to take it out in thirty minutes... but after that I really did snooze!

So did Mitzi :-)

Started supper...
If you don't have one of these spatter guards I highly recommend it!
I used to put towels over the stuff behind my fryer but this is fabulous.
There are fancy and expensive ones but this is just a tri-fold heavy aluminum one and it was pretty cheap!! Love it!

Made Salmon Cakes, Mac and Tomatoes, Greens and Beets with Rolls and Pudding for Dessert...

Lanny picked up the yard and I put the chicks and ducks to bed.
We will watch the end of Prince Caspian tonight.
I will give Mom her 6:30 PM infusion and we will hit the hay before 8 so that I get a few hours sleep before getting up at 12:30 for the next infusion.
They are already working because she says she feels better!!!

Goodnight Y'all!
We love you and thank you for your prayers!!

God bless and Sweet Dreams!


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