Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday on the Mountain ... January 17

Quiet Time...

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:10


Dad was up when I came in the living room... I still left the lights off til I had my contacts in :-)

I took care of his morning needs and then settled in with the pack...
Mornings are my very favorite time of the day... 
this hour/90 minutes just makes my day...
My second favorite is the evening when we snuggle on the couch to watch a movie :-)

At 6 I changed our sheets and threw the dirty ones in the washer.
I fed the fur kids, decanted the Water and Milk Kefir...
emptied the dishwasher and spent more time than I usually do chatting with Lanny :-)
Then I headed out to the chickens and ducks..

I ordered some higher protein feed today - hopefully it will inspire a few more eggs...


Cardinals in the trees... there were at least a dozen when I looked out, but even tho I opened the door very quietly they still saw me and few away :-)

Made Dad and Lanny some Eggs, Sausage and Toast...
Mom took her piece of toast and jelly back to her boudoir...

Lanny got busy real early on the yard and fence...
Cutting off gates and mulching the path for my new herb garden...
The tomatoes and cucumbers will go in the BIG garden next season where the pool is and I will use the narrow gardens for herbs and smaller veggie types...

I am making spice mixes: Taco, Spaghetti and Chili. I have the recipes on my Mimi's House Blog (I cannot remember them myself)...

It probably doesn't save a ton of money but I know exactly what is in them...

Warmed up some left over Burritos from a previous dinner 
with all the fixing's for lunch...

And then, you know what time it is...
Nap time.
I must admit I didn't nap. I was garden planning in my head...

The dogs, however, DID nap!!

Max loves to sit up in the heat or get behind the TV when the fireplace is burning.
He often wants to do it when we are watching a movie!

Lanny was arranging some church business (he does sound for funerals as well) so neither of us napped, but we did rest!

Lanny and Paula are bundled up and I am in and out in my shirt  sleeves!

He put mulch in the garden path... it is also the gate to get into the new chicken and duck lot... I won't get muddy feet!

I grew most of my herbs in pots last year but will transplant them to the garden when it's time... they will grow much better in the ground.

For supper we had Baked Chicken Thighs, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans and Carrots, Biscuits and Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce...

So, the kitchen is clean, as is the yard, the fowl are snug in their beds, the pups are waiting on the couch, Lanny is in the shower, I am in my jammies and we will start on the second Lord of the Rings tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
I love you ALL and thank you for your prayers.
Mom will go to see Dr. Hughes tomorrow to find out the results of the biopsy.

God bless us, Every One!
Sweet Dreams!

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