Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday in the Wood... January 19

Quiet Time...

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭19:14‬ 


Dad wasn't up at 3:45... but he did get up about 4:15.
I had everything ready for him except warming his Sausage, Egg and Cheese Croissant :-)

Settled back down with my Pack for Bible Study...

Max giving his Daddy a hug...

And discussing a verse...

At 6 I fed the fur kids, made our bed, decanted the Water Kefir and started a new batch...

...then decanted the Milk Kefir and made Mom's and my morning probiotic drink...
I have to add Maple Syrup to Mom's but I like mine straight :-)

Headed out a daybreak...

No duck egg in the house but I did get one later in the day...
laid out in the lot! I need to have a talk with that duck!

I made Waffles and Sausage for Second Breakfast :-)

Busy morning doing a few cleaning chores and some sorting...

For lunch I fed the crew some Ramen with creamed corn added in...
Trust me, it's good!


Mom had a 1:00 appointment with the Urologist so we left around 12:30...
I decided I was not going to cook dinner again tonight...
so Lanny ran down and picked up a pizza!!
Awww :-)


Lanny is at the church for Wednesday night service,
the yard is picked up, the chicks and ducks are in bed...

Thompson Cancer Center called and Mom's appointment is tomorrow morning, so I have been sitting here for quite a while doing the paperwork online... thank goodness the nurse emailed it to me. I don't know if I could have written all this stuff down. SIX PAGES!!!  I know that every single doctor has all this same info... why can't they share :-) ???

Anyway, I am in my jammies and ready to watch a few Star Trek episodes til Lanny gets home.

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweetest Dreams and God bless!

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