Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday on the Farm ... February 4

Quiet Time...

 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. 
Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." 

1 Corinthians 9:25 


No midnight infusion!! It felt strange after getting up all week...
 but I'll get used to it :-)

Dad wasn't up yet so I got his meds and thermos and cup ready and sat down for my Quiet Time...

With the usual crowd :-)

Dad got up about 4:30 so I took care of him 
and he requested a Breakfast Burrito this morning...

At 6 I made our bed and fed the fur kids.
I decanted the Milk and the Water Kefir 
and piddled around in the kitchen until day light...

Headed out... no rain but very wet and cloudy...

They love the wet ground... easier to dig around and find things...

Duck egg IN the duck house... where it belongs... 

Pretty... wish I knew which girl was laying it... I have two female ducks and either one is NOT laying at all or they are taking turns.  I'd love to get two in one day again...

Dogs are working hard at their what they do best...

I sat down in the chair and up they come... Maggie and Murphy want to sit on/by me no matter where I am... it's a bit tight in the chair...

When I got up she moved back to the couch and had a hard time relaxing :-)

Fed the crew Turkey Sandwiches for lunch...
Mom had her MRI this morning (she said it was horrible!!!) :-)
and I believe her..... I have a couple MRI horror stories myself!
We will have to wait until next Friday when she goes back to the Oncologist before we know anything...

Lanny and I sat down on the couch to rest for an hour (I have some soft resting music that plays exactly 1 hour so we know when it's time to get up :-) )
Mitzi jumps up in my lap for a kiss and a rub and then down to the floor beside me to chew on a bone... just a habit she has... who knows...

Maggie and Murphy are wrapped up like burritos between us :-)

We went out to work on the coop... Lanny picked up a bale of pine shavings and I always love putting in fresh flakes... smells so good and so soft...

And the fowl kids love it too... it's a treat for them to dig around in it...

Casey is waiting for me to drop something as I am preparing dinner :-)
or maybe he just likes my company.
I am the hand that feeds him, after all...

For supper we had Baked Whiting Fish, Baked Lemon Garlic Potatoes, 
Spinach Casserole, Biscuits and Panettone Bread for Dessert...

The kitchen is cleaned up and so is the back yard :-)
The chickies and ducks are snug in their coop and Lanny is in the shower...
We will watch Mummy 2 tonight. If you've never seen them they are really fun... 
I think they remade them this past year or two but we didn't even watch those... too dark.
The ones with Brendan Frazer are humorous...
Anyway, the trio is a favorite with us.

Oh, and I did make us Nacho's and Milkshakes last night.
Mom and Dad LOVED 'em!!

Goodnight Y'all...
We love you and thank you for your prayers.
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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