Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday in the Hills... February 15

Quiet Time...

“Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3:8‬


Dad was up so I got him all situated and then sat down with my pack...
we had a very nice Quiet Time...
no interruptions! :-)

At 6 Mitzi was lounging on the futon at the foot of our bed...

Max was in the bed on his Daddy's side...

I ran those lazy bones out and made the bed...  
then fed them and their siblings...
they needed a little nap after their breakfast...

At sunup I headed out...
it was pretty cold...

Sweet... she is on a roll...

Fed them waffles this morning for second breakfast..

I made some left over burritos and some open face ham sandwiches for lunch...
Waste not, want not :-)

Lanny and I went down to the post office to pick up Dad's computer... his totally died!
I found a refurbished one for a VERY good price!

We also went to Food City to pick up a couple things... 
I am very out of practice grocery shopping.
I have been doing InstaCart almost exclusively since October!!

We also had to go by the Drug Store to pick up Mom's antibiotics, 
which they did NOT have...

When we got home Lanny set up the computer in his office so I could get everything ready for Dad... his Facebook, email, solitaire games, etc... Lanny went down the hill to pick up Sadie at the bus stop and I took Dad's "new" computer in to his room...

Sadie is here!! The dogs go berserk when she comes in to the house!!

Working on her computer... and so am I :-)

For dinner we had Soup (it was stuff out of the freezer soup)...
always good, always different.
Also Cornbread and Panettone Cake for Dessert...
No "Family Night" for awhile... 
until James and Tasha and Olivia can come back it's just Us'ns :-)

Lanny got a new toy...gas blower.
It is LOUD!!! He loves it!!

Went out to put the chicks and ducks to bed and got this little jewel...
Coconut's egg :-)

I lure them in at night with a little bit of shredded cheese.
They follow me like the Pied Piper!

This is my Valentine's Day present...
a new kitchen floor. :-)

Sadie is still working on her computer... Shelby will pick her up later.
I am going to put my jammies on and we may start the next Marvel...
we shall see.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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