Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday on the Farm... March 10

Quiet Time...

“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, 
how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit 
to those who ask Him!””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭11:13

Dad was up...
I took him his inhaler, his meds, his thermos and mug, put his socks on
and made him a Breakfast Burrito...

Lanny got up right after me 
so we had a long Quiet Time with the Pack...
all by Mitzi...

Max is such a snuggle buddy...
not like any cat we've ever had, especially for a male.
He is a lover!!

Mitzi on her futon.
It's a full size, real futon, but she thinks it belongs to her...
except when Sadie spends the night...
then she shares :-)

Made the bed, fed the fur kids,
decanted both the milk and water kefir
and headed out at day break...

Well, all the chickens survived...

Even the new babies.
They slept in their little Rubbermaid tote turned sideways on the floor.
However, rounding them up last night was a circus!!!

They spooked and one ran thru the electric fence 
(the opening is so small I would never have imagined it).
She didn't appear to get shocked tho.... Then a sister tried to go after her and got between a couple objects...
We were running after baby chicks and I was still in my satin house shoes.
The reason I was in my house shoes is because when I opened the kitchen door to go out to put them to bed the white escape artist was perched on the coop door ready to go up on the roof again and I just ran out as I was!
We will put up a parapet to keep her from flying up there.
I could clip wings but I've heard mixed reviews on that. 
She is clever and a really good jumper! 
Always something.

Anyway, they are all fine, including the babies...
eating like crazy,
and as cute as can be!

Two duck eggs... YAY!

 A pearl white, Goldie and Coconut egg...
before breakfast!

Made Fried Eggs, Sausage and Toast...
sounds like a broken record.
But my crew LOVE that menu item, and I always try to please :-)

We worked around in the yard for awhile and then headed down the hill to exchange some dog food at Tractor Supply... they shipped the wrong thing. Lanny also bought some chicken wire to put around my little garden out behind the new duck pond...

For lunch I made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Chips and Salsa...

Then we rested for about 45 minutes before going back out to work on the pond...

My Pearl Whites sun bathing!

You probably cannot see it, but there are little green buds 
ALL OVER this Rose of Sharon!!

I put the dog pen around these little ladies 
before lunch and they have stayed in it all afternoon.
I may leave them in this pen for a week or so until they get a little older.
It's like having six toddlers around... always running and getting into trouble :-)
They are sleeping in a little chick pile...

A Willow egg and another Pearl White egg...
Makes 7 eggs today!

Plan B... the old rubber did not work as a liner...
too stiff and there were some holes...
We bought a REAL pond liner.

They seem to be fine confined... I think they will be safer this way.
The others weren't being as mean or bossy as I thought they'd be 
but these girls just won't stay out of trouble :-)

Lanny in his waders playing in the mud :-)

The Camelia is covered in buds and blooms...

The ducks are jumping the gun...
it's not a pond yet! But for a duck, a mud puddle will do for now :-_)

Warmed over Sloppy Joes for supper...

Robbie joined us ...
Molly is working several days/evenings a week 
and when she isn't home he doesn't cook OR eat!
You know how Momma's are...

I guess the chickens are ready for a pond as well.
Some chickens like to swim...we shall see.
At least they will have a drink whenever they want it :-)

Sugar is sucking a worm out of the soil...
I don't know how they do it.
When I try to pull a worm out it breaks in two.
Birds just pull them out whole!!

So, tonight is Infinity Wars...
Getting near the end of the Marvel series.

I'll give you a report on the chicken escapades tomorrow. 
The babies are in the enclosure tho, so perhaps it will not be too dramatic :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us Every One...
Sweet Dreams!

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