Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday on the Farm... May 20

Quiet Time...

"But my God shall supply all your need 
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:19

Dad was up...
I got him all situated and then I hit the couch...

Lanny joined me very shortly thereafter :-)

In face, we had the whole pack this morning...

At least for a while... Max LOVES to get exactly where you wish he wouldn't...
not two minutes before I headed in to make the bed 
he ran and got in it...
...little stinker!

Fed the fur kids and headed out at daybreak...

The clouds are gorgeous at daybreak...
and the frogs and birds are singing like crazy...
I needed audio this morning to share!!

Morning bath...

Water for ducks, dust and ash for chickens :-)

Only one duck egg this morning...

My little frog buddy changes his location every day... 
I have to hunt him down... 
but he is usually pretty easy to spot :-)

Had to water this morning... 
still no rain up here in spite of the warnings and watches every day...

Max surveying his domain...

Ran out to give Dandy and Takoda their morning carrots...

Lanny was already mowing... 
it is so much easier this time of the day when it is cool!

Eastern sky!

I threw a strange big millipede out to them and none of them were game...
it did look pretty frightening!

They just studied it and then walked away...

Fully grown "babies"... they really need to get to work!

I made Dad some French Toast for Breakfast...
Lanny had eaten some cereal and wanted to get out to mow while it was cool...

Daddy went to bed right after breakfast and Mom was napping as well, 
so I took full advantage and ran out in the back yard 
to roam among the flowers and herbs...
Just a few shots of the blooms and buds...

These are frog eggs, just in case you didn't recognize them...
they are ALL OVER the duck pond this morning...
I knew they were having a wild party last night 
from the loud music they were playing/singing! :-)

That isn't her egg but they all like to sit a few minutes 
before they lay their own :-)

I checked on Mom and Dad, still asleep, 
so I ran out to the pole barn and took a few shots of the Grand Meadow!!

Made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for lunch...
Paula joined us...
Mom ate in her room.

Lanny and I rested for a bit after lunch and then he went back out, 
IN THIS HEAT, to mow some more. 
At least he is riding and he does have a canopy over him. 
Also, he can pull up under a tree if he gets too hot...

Checked on the nest boxes...
A Goldie and one of the Pearl Whites...


I took Daddy down the hill in the MULE again to get the mail...
Lanny was back from mowing so they sat in the shop door shooting the breeze...
the VERY WARM breeze :-)

Max rarely passes up a lap!

Lanny is heading down the hill to get some Chinese Food for our dinner... 
there is a little "China Inn" down on the highway that is really quite good!
Mom and Dad LOVE Chinese!!
And I love the occasional break from cooking!!

It was GOOD!!!

Mom, however, ate only a few bites.
Continue to pray for her. If she doesn't get solid food in her then her bowels won't work (already a BIG problem for her), and the fluids need to be upped because that affects blood pressure (which she has problems with)... 
she is just doing everything WRONG for her medical problems. 
I give her three high calorie Boost nutritional drinks a day so she is getting vitamins and calories but she still needs to EAT!!!

Lanny picked up the puppy piles and I put the chicken feeders away safely.
The kitchen is clean and I am in my jammies. Lanny is in the shower.
Last night we started "The Chosen" again so we will be on that for several days.
I cannot wait for Season 3... I think I heard September.
If you haven't watched it you really should!!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you EVERY ONE!!!
Sweet Dreams!

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